Ban Dispute (flugs)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: flugs
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months

Your Steam Name: aloo89
Your Roleplay Name: leonard
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169228602

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - Targeting new players. Extended for 3.4, 5.1 - User attempted to mug someone by pulling them into their bazaar shop, then failed to cooperate with gunpoint.

Why should this appeal be considered?: i didnt break 5.1 as you can see on video the plater break GP and run away from my GP about 3.4 ik franky long time i go i was hf with him + he just gped me didnt gp anyone just me bc he know im (leonard ) ofc he is the one who had gun ..........

2.5 as i was saying i raid everyone my demos past 2 days can talk i raid new/old players not ( targing new players )

Additional Information:
I am writing this reply in hopes of giving you clarity on your wrongdoing in both of the situations. If you still believe no rules were broken by yourself after reading this reply, that's fine.

I was not the person that dealt with the 5.1 situation and subsequently extended the ban, however, I will write a piece on their behalf. Regardless of whether you believe another player broke the rules, that does not justify then breaking the rules yourself. 2.6 makes this perfectly clear and you should know this. Howbeit, I will deal with Toby Supplies. As for your argument that "he knew you were Leonard", I'm sure you understand that just because he knows who you are does not mean you don't have to follow his gunpoint.

The reason you were originally banned, targeting sweaters. Your defence that you "raid everyone" simply does not excuse mugging exclusively new players. Perhaps you do raid everyone, but you know full-well that new players are nowhere near as experienced as you and are therefore more vulnerable. Not only this, but considering they are unfamiliar with this new, far more advanced gamemode, they may be inclined to go somewhere else more lightly. I can't think of a worse introduction to our community than being robbed of your starting items by a player you have no knowledge of and no real ability to defend yourself against, then left ziptied with no idea how to help yourself. Obviously new players are not invincible, but that point doesn't stand well against the fact that, like I said, you have been mugging exclusively new players recently.

I hope you now better understand the punishment(s) given to you.
i hope you can PM me on forms bc i cant start one

i undearstand what you mean by (raiding sweater but i didnt like how you are saying it (targing sweater )) that why i was saying no im not targeting sweater even after haveing talk on report i didnt get involved with any new player but i think you charge me with that bc im not accepting (targeting sweaters )

After reviewing with my peers we have decided to deny this dispute on the basis that you mugged 5 sweaters in 2 days and your excuse that you 'mug everyone' is just not acceptable, if you see that they are a new player you should always try and move away from making that players experience negative for your gain. You have a horrible ban and punishment history. The 3.4 breach was quite clearly blatant and I wont waste too much time going into this.

Reviewed with @blackdown @Hayden
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