Ban Dispute (Headline)

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New Jersey, USA

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Headline
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Freedo
Your Roleplay Name: Chance Wilkins
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:161696382

Why were you punished?: I closed my game while ALT tabbed out and got reported for leaving the game.. even though I was not aware I was being mugged..

Why should this appeal be considered?: In the evidence link i sent it takes you to a video of me explaining cordially what exactly happened.. my frustrations and why I shouldn't be banned at all. I was ALT tabbed out of the game after playing for 8+ hours.. I went to the drug dealer saw some prices and closed my game.. didn't see anyone mugging me and if that was the case it was within 1.5-2 seconds of me being ALT tabbed out of Gmod. And 3 weeks for something I didn't even do is unjust.

Additional Information: The same admin (Headline) banned not_madds not even 20 minutes later for "2.5, 3.20 - User shot another player for seemingly no reason. Disconnected with report open." Despite him leaving with a report open only 3 day ban? Yet why is mine 3 weeks and I didn't even leave with report open. The logic here is very poor, inconsistent and I wish a senior admin would look over this case and hopefully really review (Headline)'s conduct with admin privileges. I don't mic spam I comply with people who raid me and mug me their have been countless times where I do everything correctly but for closing my game after 8 hours of grinding (please check my playtime if possible i was really on for 8+ hours) cash on a server I just payed $7 for premium yet Im banned for 3 weeks? I just want to join back and relax why is this a 3 week ban?

just gonna leave this here for now...
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Headline
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Freedo
Your Roleplay Name: Chance Wilkins
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:161696382

Why were you punished?: I closed my game while ALT tabbed out and got reported for leaving the game.. even though I was not aware I was being mugged..

Why should this appeal be considered?: In the evidence link i sent it takes you to a video of me explaining cordially what exactly happened.. my frustrations and why I shouldn't be banned at all. I was ALT tabbed out of the game after playing for 8+ hours.. I went to the drug dealer saw some prices and closed my game.. didn't see anyone mugging me and if that was the case it was within 1.5-2 seconds of me being ALT tabbed out of Gmod. And 3 weeks for something I didn't even do is unjust.

Additional Information: The same admin (Headline) banned not_madds not even 20 minutes later for "2.5, 3.20 - User shot another player for seemingly no reason. Disconnected with report open." Despite him leaving with a report open only 3 day ban? Yet why is mine 3 weeks and I didn't even leave with report open. The logic here is very poor, inconsistent and I wish a senior admin would look over this case and hopefully really review (Headline)'s conduct with admin privileges. I don't mic spam I comply with people who raid me and mug me their have been countless times where I do everything correctly but for closing my game after 8 hours of grinding (please check my playtime if possible i was really on for 8+ hours) cash on a server I just payed $7 for premium yet Im banned for 3 weeks? I just want to join back and relax why is this a 3 week ban?
I would like to fill in that you most likely got a 3 week ban for the following reasons.

  • After your ban on 16-12-2024 you got yourself banned 3 days later being the one you are disputing now
  • You disregarded gunpoint and broke 3.4 Putting Your Life At Risk within the period of 1 month 3 times.

I went to the drug dealer saw some prices and closed my game..
That's quite funny because you sold a lot of drugs considering you were just "seeing some prices"

Secondly, as I have previously mentioned, as per rule 3.20 it is YOUR responsibility to ensure you aren't engaged in any roleplay before disconnecting from the server. Maybe next time go outside of a mugging zone before you tab out to avoid this occurring in the future.


In your video, you seemed to yap about the length of your ban and was comparing your ban against other users. What you failed to compare was the fact you have already had two 2-week bans recently that will be taken into account when future punishments are made. Punishments are also issued on a case-by-case basis at the staff members discretion. If you STILL have an issue with the ban length you can make a staff complaint on Headline however as far as I am concerned you're lucky it wasn't a round month. Hopefully, this message has clarified any misunderstandings. If you do finally understand the point and acknowledge your wrongdoings then you are welcome to make an apology but I'd wait at least a week first (no I am not guaranteeing it will be accepted)

Reviewed with @A1L & @Rick F.
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