Ban Dispute (Headline)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Headline
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: Zux-_-
Your Roleplay Name: Riley Dockers
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:513510567

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User delayed gunpoint for a huge amount of time and did not interact when prompted to accept the zip ties

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was banned at 20:56 according to ban logs , I had dealt with this issue with the admin at around 18:00 and had sorted this out as for me I had clicked yes and as far as I'm concerned there was either a server issue or client side issue , when he asked me to put my hands up again I did and he requested to handcuff me before someone walked in the bathroom and shot him , I talked back and forth to him during the whole encounter however I still raised my hands , (and as far as I was concerned) I accepted his cuff attempt .

Me and (I believe) husky dealt with this in a f6 at around 18:00 I apologised about it explaining how I had accepted it and I apologise for the other player as for me I had accepted cuff attempt , he warned me for 3.4 and I played until 18:30 before I hoped off the server , so I am confused as to why I got banned 1 hour and 30 minutes after this incident when it was dealt with?

I dont see why i was banned due to the server/client bug and the fact this incident was dealt with almost 3 hours before the ban.
I had nothing to gain from not accepting cuffs as i had a phone £600 and my pistol which was dropped when i raised my hands , so if u believe i purposefully lied about a bug and did not accept cuffs , why would i do this when all i had to loose was worth about £1500???

Zux(Riley dockers)

Absolutely not, you argued with this player for a whole minute about your water bottle and him 'mugging new players' and how you were AFK before finally surrendering. After surrendering, you rejected the prompt to be ziptied twice. All in all, between you being gunpointed and your mugger dying, 2 whole minutes had passed and you had not yet accepted the prompt.

The first staff member to handle the report on you did not punish you as they were seemingly unsure about whether or not there was an issue with the ziptying. Logs, however, confirm you rejected the request twice.
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