Ban Dispute (HuskyD0g/Captain)

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LondonDerry, UK Northern Ireland

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @HuskyD0G/Captain
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Ryan Mushroom
Your Roleplay Name: Ryan Mushroom
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:855646723

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User failed to comply under gunpoint from multiple officers | Extended to 2 weeks for consistent rule breaks of 3.4 - Approved by Captain

Why should this appeal be considered?: Context

Situation Prior - One of my org members texted in org chat saying "coming in" which I interpreted as someone was about to raid us so I swung door and shot him who ended up being my stupid org member who didnt follow our policy on coming into the bases. He was dead inside and within a minute 2 police came to the door to which I told them I did not want them to come in however there was a man dying inside and I was happy to let an EMS come in revive him and then we could clear up the entire situation. At the time I had drugs blatantly on display so I couldnt really open the door. The two stupid pistol cops said they where going to get a warrant, even though I was happy to comply with them.

They left and I assumed they where just talking shit so another org mate dragged the body outside, I picked up my org mates gun because I didnt want to leave a gun sitting at our front door in the open because that would be dumb as some random could easily Minge grab it.

The entire PD shows up a few minutes later every single one of them shouting over eachother to which I told them MULTIPLE TIMES I could not understand them if they just shouted over eachother, I attempted to speak to them and informed them I had the gun, I had shot my org mate in self defense, I was happy to open the door and give them the gun however I just wanted to speak to the highest rank officer at the time at the door, I was happy to open it and give him the gun but I did not want the entire PD running around my house for no reason which is a completely reasonable request considering I could've easily just opened fire on them because I had drugs growing on the property but instead I was happy to just hand them his gun and everyone be on with their day as the entire situation was complete horseshit to begin with.

The highest rank officers fragile ego was damaged at this point because I didnt just open the door and let 8+ screaming apes run around my house even though I had STATED VERY CLEARLY MULTIPLE TIMES that I was happy to comply but I just didnt want the entire fucking PLPD inside my house when the entire thing could be resolved by ONE INDIVIDUAL SPEAKING and a conversation and me opening the door and handing them the gun.

They then falsely raided my house even though I was happy to comply, once they blew open the door I was flustered but I knew the demands, they wanted the gun so I told them in voice chat I will go get it so I began walking to my box to get the gun. At this point I am flustered, pissed off because as per usual PLPD decided that they where not going to roleplay and instead ruleplay and completely ignore my attempt to roleplay.

There was apparently multiple officers shouting to put my hands up at the time, which I didnt realise because the sheer amount of bullshit that was going on + a bomb going off in my ears and I was so focused on just giving them the gun and being done with it all so I told them it was horseshit, wanted badge numbers to make IA reports which I still will be doing and started walking over to the box to comply with the order.

I complied the entire time, the situation whether I clicked surrender would've been identical anyways, this is very blatantly grasping at straws for a ban, I have been warned for 3.4 before, I have read the rules multiple times and fully understand them and always stay within them to the best of my ability. But this is absolutely ridiculous, this entire situation was caused by the lack of roleplay of the PLPD and the only reason I am banned is because somebodys ego was hurt. The situation played out exactly how it would have no matter if I clicked surrender or not, I was fully compliant with the orders and reason the raided my house.

If this is not appealed I would like a detailed reason why 2 weeks is legitimate when the outcome of the entire situation wouldve been identical, I wouldve been handcuffed, they wouldve asked for the gun, I wouldve gave them the gun, they wouldve ticketed me and taken the gun.
I tried to RP the situation when I wouldve actually not been banned if I just opened fire but because I tried to ROLEPLAY on the "serious roleplay" server I am banned.

The situation that occured, I walked over to the box to get the gun they asked for, they handcuffed me, I have them the gun, they ticketed me and took the gun. This is a complete grasping of straws of a ban, person who gave the ban completely ignored all context of the situation.

3.18 & 3.24 will be added to your ban, if you have any issues about how the situation was handled, make an internal affairs complaint on the officers. If you disagree with the length, you make a staff complaint but your length is justified, so don’t bother making one
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