Ban Dispute (HuskyD0G)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @HuskyD0G
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: mphf
Your Roleplay Name: Wokdon Brayden
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:87262869

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - Failing to comply under gunpoint from an officer, claimed in the report they didn't see them but looked directly at the officer - Approved by Locksmith

Why should this appeal be considered?: I'd like to start this appeal off by mentioning that I misremembered the situation and apologize for telling HuskyD0G that I had not seen the officer when I clearly did. I asked for a clip in order to refresh my memory in the report but wasn't provided with one, which is fine.

As I was at intersection waiting along with DB, my car got shot out by a TFO with an M82. At this point, I was fully confused and hopped out my car so I wouldn't be shot again and killed. At this point (now that I've refreshed my memory and seen the demo myself), I notice an officer walking up towards me with a weapon out but she does not issue any commands, which I found weird. This is where I got confused in the report, as I kept looking back and forth between the TFU and the officer, waiting for the officer to give me commands, as I DID actually have a weapon pointed at me. All the commands were given in chat, which I didn't look at (Mind you this officer is the only one that isn't required to use a microphone when on-duty for some reason. I was blacklisted years ago for not using my microphone and I thought this was still the case). I had no intention to stall, as you can see me just hop on top of my car and sit there, waiting to figure out what the fuck happened and why my car just got shot out.

In conclusion, I didn't notice the commands in chat and was waiting on the officer to tell me what he wanted me to do. I didn't want to instantly put my hands up, as maybe that wasn't what the officer wanted (e.g. gunpointing a medic and telling him to revive someone -> medic puts his hands up -> person you want revived dies because the medic needs to wait for his hands to go back down before reviving). It honestly wasn't my intention to stall, if I wanted to break 3.4 I probably would have just ran off, instead I just sat there in confusion as I literally had no clue why my car was shot or what was going on.

Additional Information: HuskyD0G asked for my demo, I believe you guys post clips in the ban comments whenever available?
This would probably be better as it would include both POVs (helga's and mine)

lmk if there aren't any clips, I'm happy to go back in my demo and record it myself.
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