Ban Dispute (Jimmy // megasaw)

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Reaction score
PD Holding Cell
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Jimmy // megasaw
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: hyushi123
Your Roleplay Name: Andrew Jordans
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:243856479

Why were you punished?: 2.5 3.4 User shot and killed someone directly outside PD because they knocked their friend unconscious in a car accident. The person had just been released from jail after being arrested for causing the crash. // Banned for enforcer Jimmy

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was driving with my mate :nerd when on i go by a car going on the wrong side of the highway on the subs off ramp and he rams and kills my friend while on the worng side of the highway. After that, they both get revived, i wait for the guy that killed my friend to get out of jail and i kill him. I had KOS on the user as he killed my mate for literally no reason, went on the wrong side of the highway. In the ban reason it literally says that i killed him because he knocked my mate uncouncious which automatically drops the 2.5 violation because i had a valid reason the kill him. 3.4 does not apply in this situation either because there were no officers around PD at that time as i had checked before killing him.

2.5 will be removed from the ban reason because we believe you had sufficient reason to kill the player after they caused great bodily harm to your friend by their own reckless actions + the damage to the bodywork of the car - This is greatly different than a regular accidental collision. However, this does not mean you can just kill someone outside of a police department. You should have waited longer to see if they would leave the vicinity of the PD to somewhere less risky for you such as crossing into the Main city.

The ban duration will stay the same
@Oddy @Marine Putin
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