Ban Dispute (Locksmith)

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Reaction score
IKEA (got lost in it 5 years ago)

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Locksmith
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey
Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864

Why were you punished?: 3.4- User whilst being gun pointed had gotten out of their vehicle and pulled a gun and killed the individual who had attempted to gunpoint them.

Why should this appeal be considered?: well, as the ban states i was being gunpointed while in a car, i had ran out of the car to pull out a gun and killing the person in the process. After looking from both Pov's, he had previously shot at my car multible times, in what i could belive was an attempt to kill me, and i though has he has intention to kill me i should be within my right to pull out a gun to shot him. His pov is a rather short and doesnt fill the full picture.
i would also add the fact that i owned the apartment that they were raiding.
The first time he said it was way to far away to be a realistic gunpoint in my opinion, the second time he said it he said it i such a low tone, that i couldnt hear it.

His POV:

This is being reviewed. Please allow up to a couple days for the deliberation and conclusion to be made.

@IKEA monkey what was the other user shooting your vehicle for?

Your actions in this situation are not exempt from 3.4. You put your life at risk by actively involving yourself in the shoot-out. Despite being shot at, hit by a bullet three times, and warned to leave, you chose to remain and escalate the situation by attempting to run over another player and not even then the player refrained from spraying or killing you outright and did not eject you from the vehicle. Therefore, justifying your decision to flee and draw your own weapon while under gunpoint is invalid.

You should have either left the area when instructed or complied when held at gunpoint. Alternaitvely, you could have left the area and returned later when you were no longer in a vulnerable position.

Reviewed with: @torbizzle @Super_ @blobvis 2.0 @Bnjemann
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