Ban Dispute (Maia)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Maia
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Evil Scientist Dylan
Your Roleplay Name: Dylan Cane
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:419342183

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User failed to follow orders under gunpoint.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I believe my appeal should be considered for many reasons but in this appeal, I will keep it short and sweet. Now I understand I several previous warns and I really have been working on learning all the rules please keep in mind I am pretty new. So today I was basing with some friends and I went out to fill some water jugs I came back to a cop holding a gun at my head telling me to open my apartment door with my keys my friend hears this and comes out so there are two people and one officer so I unlocked the door went inside and closed it where my two other friends with assault rifles where then we opened the door to talk to the officer but he already was saying in character he wanted me banned for not abiding 3.4. I me and my friend had pistols on us at the time also. I tried explaining to the staff member the whole story and thought it would be easier if they tpd me to a sit, but they refused then proceeded to ban me. I'm going to be working on getting some of my false warns approved hopefully today or tomorrow also due to the fact my account just got accepted today. But I do apologize if I did break the rule I was under the impression if there were two people that someone couldn't hold you both at gunpoint and if I'm wrong I apologize.

Additional Information: I really just think the bans a little long for the circumstances and feel it should be shortened down to 5 days or less due to me being a new player and having 0 mal intentions like I truly have love for this server and I'm constantly rping sometimes even with helpers or staff! Sorry if its a little short just trying to not ramble on anyways thanks for your time!

Sincerly, Dylan

What are you disputing the reason or length of the ban?
Welp, I feel I was misled previously by other staff to think if I had a gun on me with another person it wasn't breaking any rules, but I think in this situation i was most definitely valuing my life so it's a little bit of both tbh if you believe that the reason is realistic then it is the length but personally, I feel I wasn't in the wrong.

The ban is valid and therefore we are denying your ban dispute. You should have followed the reasonable orders given to you under direct gunpoint. You failed to follow the orders and went inside the apartment. You mentioned in your dispute that other staff members have misled you regarding rule 3.4, if this is the case please make a Staff Complaint on that(those) staffmember(s).

Additionally the length of a punishment can't be disputed; If you believe Maia has banned you for an excessive amount of time, you should create a Staff Complaint on him.

If you are sorry about your actions, you can make a Ban Apology.

Reviewed with @Bojing
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