Ban Dispute (Megasaw)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Megasaw
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Nugget
Your Roleplay Name: Alexander Simons
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:620999538

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 , 3.4 - User decided to shoot and kill a player for an unjustified reason at bazaar Infront of multiple government employees, putting his life and liberty at risk over a minor situation. // Banned for Enforcer Megasaw

Why should this appeal be considered?: Because as the as the staff member said it was "unjustified reason" as in him punching a friend of mine infront of everyone at bazaar, and i killed him because he punched her with no reason at all intendedly, as he pulled out his fists aimed at my friend then decided to punch her, and the staff member saying infront of multiple government employee while they dont have any powers as they are EMS with no cuffs or guns to be scared of "(3.4)" and saying im attacking and targeting new players (2.5) which i did not target him at all i just saw him intendedly punching my good friend so i defended her because she is unable to do so and clearly said "dont touch me" as a warning.
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This was extremely unnecessary and if you or your friend were concerned about the punch you should have called 911. This doesn't even count as "self-defense" or your right to protect others because the force you used was grossly disproportionate to what was presented.

While EMS and FF's can't arrest you, they are government employees and have just witnessed you murder someone in the middle of the most populated area on the server. You need to commit crimes realistically, as they would immediately report it and be able to identify you as a suspect.

Regardless, the kill was unwarranted anyway and conducted unrealistically to the point where you put your freedom at risk for no justified reason.
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