Ban Dispute (megasaw)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Megasaw
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Marco Peccon
Your Roleplay Name: Liam South
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:519588464

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User pulled a gun whilst under gunpoint, resulting in their death

Why should this appeal be considered?: I believe this apology should be considered and or appealed because I know I've been warned and previously banned for this but I've been trying to learn this rule as its not just common sense and ive been reading the 3.4 rule and the "guide" on it before but it doesn't talk about. I believe its also unfair because in the 3.4 "guide" it even talks about raids and how its not allowed to start a raid with a government employee nearby aka a whole police station where PD are located? I think a PD raid is against the rules because I believe he didn't take precautions before he raided nor did he 1: he only has a pistol vs how every many pd there would be. Its basically death to raid a PD station with just a pistol by yourself , 2ndly im not sure what he was being charged as i believe i just got back on or i just died not sure but then I asked over radio because this cuffed guy was in the cells saying let me out so i wasnt sure what was going on but then I got radio'd to bring him down so I do then the mugger raids the PD station alone gun pointing me and the TFU officer, then I pull my gun out attempting to kill him but fail then his buddy comes in and shoots him? Could this be metagaming because in his clip there was no teamspeak on?? and depending on the charge this would not be allowed? I also know this isn't other servers that ive played but ive been trying to adjust to that but in my opinion it doesn't seem right that a civilian with a pistol can gun point / fear RP 2 cops that both have vests and one being TFU. Again I feel like I understand the 3.4 rule well after being punished multiple times for it but I dont believe this was a fair ban but I know why megasaw may have felt like it from a top view look and a very basic view from just a clip but i feel like deeper inside there could have been metagaming involved and actually the mugger breaking rules instead im not sure it just seems a little confusing? Thanks for reading.

Additional Information: Its also half of the ban ive heard that helps for being unbanned?
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Right, is this a dispute or an apology?

A ban apology is when you accept that you have broken the rules and show that you now understand what you did wrong.

However, all I see is that you are complaining about the rule and making excuses about other players metagaming and breaking 3.4 by raiding PD?

Would you like to rephrase below?
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Im saying this is a apology, But im just saying maybe this wasnt looked into properly and or the other player broke rules, I wouldnt say this is a complaint about the rule either. If you wish for a rephrase give me one moment
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I'll change this to a dispute I see what you mean by how it seems like a dispute.


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United Kingdom

I've watched the provided clip in the ban comments, and you did indeed pull a gun under gunpoint when it seems like he was getting you both to put your hands up, assuming to get his friend released. If you believe the user broke the rules, please create an action request with evidence. The user is raiding the PD, of course there is going to be officers around, that does not apply to this situation, as well as him just having only a pistol, his friend also was right behind him with a SMG, so it is irrelevant regardless.
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