Ban Dispute (megasaw)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Megasaw
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: SonOfCaba
Your Roleplay Name: Ted Helms
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:813753978

Why were you punished?: 3.4, 3.24 - User failed to comply with orders whilst under gunpoint, putting their life at risk. The user kept claiming that they were "lagging", breaking character as an excuse to avoid the situation // Accepted AR

Why should this appeal be considered?: The Officer had gunpointed me 2 times 1st with a taser which is unrealistic as you cannot taze someone through a window shield 2nd time he gun pointed me then moved his gun away to ewan pablo as i was no longer in danger i took that chance to drive off

Additional Information: i admit i was breaking character but i believe 3.4 ban should be lifted and the ban to a warning
you were aiming the weapon at ewan telling him to step out the vehicle you prioritised him i took that chance to escape

If you have an issue with the ban length you should make a staff complaint on said staff member.

The evidence on the AR clearly shows that you did break 3.4. You were gunpointed to get out of your van which you failed to do.


Reviewed with @Chase
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