Ban Dispute (monk)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @monk
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: menace
Your Roleplay Name: Aberto Fifta
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:545263350

Why were you punished?: 2.5 - User killed an individual because they were a witness to a murder and associated with said victim.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Realistically.. If you kill someones friend and you know that said person whos friend you just killed witnessed you do it.. IN THEIR FACE, you would stop all forms of retaliation on you for fear of your life.. Simply attempting to "gunpoint" and disarm them doesnt stop you from dying to them in the future.. No one in their right mind would kill someone and let their friend who has a weapon look at them do it and "gunpoint" them.. In the middle of Regals, next to city hall and infront of the police station, Especially because this just gives them more of a reason to hunt me down.

Everyone who has a brain would stop any form of revenge.. The quickest way would be to kill someone no? Not attempt to gun point them after you killed someone when the police could be on the way, via life-alert or possibly other witnesses.

Please provide evidence of the situation so we can determine if the rules were, or were not broken.
[]Please provide evidence of the situation so we can determine if the rules were, or were not broken.[/]
I dont have direct evidence of the situation only of the admin situation, I skimmed through my medal and couldnt find said evidence of the situation, nor was i asked for a demo by the admin but wouldve happily provided said demo.. Sadly its out of my possession as far as i know.
you can record the situation from your demo
Medal for some reason doesnt allow me to clip while I'm in this demo mode and I cant use NVIDA/OBS because my graphics card is just too weak.

In said light of this situation, I've decided to upload images from the demo highlighting my points.
In order of the album...

Image 1.
Mister Tonke Tick who is the reason I am banned conversating with his friend, Benjamin, which Benjamin then saw me after a brief arguement with him and attempted to chase me down with a bat.

Image 2.
Mister Tick and Benjamin chasing me down a flight of stairs while having a firearm pointed towards their direction.

Image 3.
Benjamin dead, Mister Tick attempting to flee back towards the flight of stairs to the property we were just at.

Image 4.
Mister Tick, dead.. With his firearm/weapon laying next to him.

Overall no one in real life would simply kill someones friend, watch them attempt to run back to safety and let them live anyone fearing for their life correctly would not allow their life to come to a short stop because they let someones friend live and get retaliation on them rather it be getting a 10 year life setence for murder or dying to said friend., and as far as I know you can not mug/gunpoint some one in Regals especially in the stairwells which is where the situation was at.
Addtionally highlighted here from my demo.

You can obviously see a fire going on in the background, if any goverment workers saw me gun pointing at male while this fire was going on.. I was as good as dead leading to my arrest.
No mate we need a video of the situation
I cant provide a video of the situation, so I'm more then happy with this ban dispute being denied if thats the only way we can go about it.
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