Ban Dispute (phoondos)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @phoondos
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: BigMike3222
Your Roleplay Name: Jackson Furnell
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:619195861

Why were you punished?: 3.15, 3.22, 3.4 - User stole a car, then chased after an ambulance that collided with them on accident, causing them to be stopped by Police. Police then gunpointed the user, and whilst under direct gunpoint, the user drove off and rammed into an EMS who was on the other side of the bridge, tiering the stolen car they were in.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Police didn't aim there gun at me they just had it fully pulled out at their hip and they did not tell me to get out the car. I wouldn't of tiered the stolen car if the big EMS van wasn't parked horizontally on the highway. And i couldn't of rammed into the car because there was the barrier in the middle of the road preventing me from ramming into it.

Additional Information: I don't get how i get the 5 day ban for what i had done and the ems driver (who another admin had dealt with) got away from a warning or a ban even though they had ran over multiple people, crashed into cars, drove on the wrong side of the road and failed to comply when i was gun pointing them. The admin had even reviewed the demo and did admit that the EMS driver did do what i had just typed.

the link to the "EMS driver ambulance that collided with me on accident" They had enough time to swerve out the way.

That was also the same EMS driver that was on the highway which led me to crashing the car.

If you review the demo you will see that i didn't go on the other side of the road to ram the EMS

Another thing i don't get is that for some reason the officer who had his gun out decided to shoot my car even though i didn't run him or any officers over.

In your original post you have not provided evidence of you speeding on City Bridge and turning into the wrong lane to have a head-on collision with the ambulance at 90MPH, which resulted in you tiering the vehicle you were driving and you dying, which is the 3.15 and 3.22 element of your ban. Please explain why you have omitted this part entirely in your dispute.

The second part of your ban is 3.4 for breaking gunpoint, where you drove off when the officer gunpointed you and this is seen in the second clip provided. Please explain your actions with regards to this also.
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In your original post you have not provided evidence of you speeding on City Bridge and turning into the wrong lane to have a head-on collision with the ambulance at 90MPH, which resulted in you tiering the vehicle you were driving and you dying, which is the 3.18 and 3.22 element of your ban. Please explain why you have omitted this part entirely in your dispute.

The second part of your ban is 3.4 for breaking gunpoint, where you drove off when the officer gunpointed you and this is seen in the second clip provided. Please explain your actions with regards to this also.

The reason I had left out that part entirely was because I don’t have a clip however if you review the demo you can see that I did not drive into the wrong lane

The second part of my ban. From my perspective it looked like the officer had his gun lowered and I had quickly drove of because he did not tell me to get out the car

The reason I had left out that part entirely was because I don’t have a clip however if you review the demo you can see that I did not drive into the wrong lane

The second part of my ban. From my perspective it looked like the officer had his gun lowered and I had quickly drove of because he did not tell me to get out the car
Another thing is that i wouldn’t of damaged the car so badly if the EMS wasn’t parked horizontally on the middle of the road

The catalyst for the whole situation which is covered by your ban reasoning is the fact that you pursued conflict with the paramedics over something that was incredibly minor, whilst you were in a stolen vehicle. The initial collision outside the Slums Apartments was very minor and yet you decided to turn around and begin chasing the paramedics when realistically there would have been nothing you could have gained from doing so - there is nothing to be gained from picking fights with paramedics in a large ambulance and chasing them down, ramming them in a stolen car.

This is ultimately what caused the situation to play out in the way that it did, where the subsequent interaction with police and collision on City Bridge could have been avoided. Had you not chased the paramedics to intersection you would not have been discovered by police, where you would not have had the opportunity to break gunpoint (you should have fled the moment the gun went in passive/the cop got out of the car), where you would not have then had to floor it down City Bridge and collide with the ambulance.

All of this could have been avoided had you made smarter choices in the beginning of what you would have gained or lost via different actions. Beefing with the paramedics over something so minor was pretty silly and there was absolutely nothing to gain from following them and ramming them continually.

Reviewed with @Collier
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