Ban Dispute (phoondos)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @phoondos
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: willydocker
Your Roleplay Name: Willy Will
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:458151724

Why were you punished?: 3.20, 3.4 - User disconnected whilst a report was open with them. The user failed to comply whilst under gunpoint for 7 seconds, leading to their death.

Why should this appeal be considered?: This dispute is mainly about the 3.4 bit, but I will also address the 3.20 at the end.

I am a fairly inexperienced police officer, so this was a situation I never have had to deal with before. I was patrolling when we got a call about a Life Alert going off in the woods. I and my unit eventually came across a car parked outside Wood Cabins 3 and started chatting to the guy who claimed he owned the property. Suddenly, a zip-tied man exits the house, leading the man by the car to pull out a gun and threaten us. I was genuinely shocked by everything happening, and my inexperience as an officer didn't help as I didn't know what to do. After 5 seconds my fellow officer got out and ended up getting shot in the head right away and 2 seconds later after processing what was happening I did the same and faced the same death.

Essentially the main reason for my ban was that I took too long to listen, but I do not believe 7 seconds of shock leading to a 5 day ban is fair in any way. I had no idea how to respond to this as an officer as it had never happened before but in the end, I complied with every command. In the clip, you can tell I was in shock as when I got out of the police car and was going to surrender I didn't even press the right key for the emote wheel (Q instead).

I would also like to point out that the other officer received a warning for it but is 2 seconds the fine line between a warning and a ban? I understand my record for the same rule is quite poor but this situation is nothing like anything I've dealt with before so I needed time to think and process everything.

Moving on to the 3.20, after the entire incident happened I decided to report this as RDM in the F6 menu as in our eyes we had been shot by a guy despite complying with every command given to us. I provided the clip to the admin which I also embedded here. After some time I got a response, there was some mention of why it took so long but in the end, the admin agreed that the reason we were shot was not the fact we took too long, he had the intention to from the start. I thought I was completely innocent and I still honestly do so after some time with the responses being slow decided to disconnect from the server as there was something I had to tend to in the real world. I understand I shouldn't leave when on a ticket but in my eyes I was simply there to give evidence to an admin about wrongdoing, not have to defend my actions so, as I needed to do something I felt comfortable enough to leave which was a mistake in hindsight.

I'm sorry for once again breaking 3.4 but in my eyes I am completely innocent as everything done by me follows the rules, it just took some as I needed to process what was happening and think it all through. 7 seconds can simply just not be a bannable offense.

Thank you for considering this.
Adding onto that, the guy who was affected by this 3.4 break was permanently banned for cheating half an hour later, so this is a completely victimless situation. He was not a victim in the first place as he got what he wanted and he certainly isn't now.
Further adding on; after the clip again the 7 seconds mentioned is from when the guy pointed the gun to me getting out, a more realistic estimate should be the time from when he had made the command of wanting us to get out until when I got out which is 4 seconds. 4. Seconds.
Spoke to my friend about this who also brought up a good point, if we are supposed to strive to roleplay realistically, shouldn't we act calm under gunpoint like in real life? If you start making 1 second movements whilst under gunpoint by for example a cop in real life I don't think it'll end well for you.
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