Ban Dispute (PUG)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: PUG
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Anti-Furry
Your Roleplay Name: Tyron Black
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95766188

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Accused of cheating but didnt

Why should this appeal be considered?: Because it was a false ban also long time ago. Would love to get back to the server. I dont know why i got accused of cheating but i do have all the evidence that you guys need to unban me. You guy can also see that i didnt violate to many of the rules to get punished for it. I follow all of the rules with some warnings that i got from the start

Additional Information: I need to know which Demo i need to send it for it to be valid.
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Ty, Couldnt send in any evidence cause i dont know which demo i need to send in
Provide said demo - perpheads_demo_2021-1-8 15-47-06 within the next 24 hours please
This ban was issued 2 and a half years ago, is there any reason why it took you so long to make a dispute?

In the two and a half years since your ban was issued the server's content has changed dramatically, given this, we are unable to adequately determine whether or not you were cheating.

It was your responsibility to provide your demo when it was requested of you, had you done so we would have been able to make a proper decision based on the evidence provided. However that 24-hour period has long since passed.
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