Ban Dispute (Reikelt)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Reikelt
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Jamie/Aloo
Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross, Leonard Bushross
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 | STEAM_0:0:169228602

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.1, 3.4 - User went out of their way to seek confrontation with the Police department, resulting in disproportionate danger to their lives.

Why should this appeal be considered?: As the video shows I did nothing that "isn't allowed" within the rules. Multiple things that staff member stated in the sit that I did. And should of done. I mainly done.

I was told to make a dispute by a staff member due to reasons that if they would like to announce they can. This is just a filler because Tyla is making me write 250 characters.
Was told to add this by 2 members of staff since efan was a dumb dumb

Situation #1
We meet up at glassCO after Legend/aloo stated "glass co is owed. This was to raid it. After gearing up and meeting there we angle our cars to help us during the whole raid to the point where legend tried to open the door. It was unlocked. we then rushed in like in every other raid. To this point where there was no shots even fired but a strangely parked van in the back. This was to the point where aloo/legend claimed to hear someone inside and to hear moving inside. This was when they decided to lockpick the car to check it out. What do you expect there was a guy in the back growing drugs.

This was the first situation where Riekelt stated we "baited" the cops. I fail to understand how this was cop baiting considering it was completely out of our control. You could state "oh you could of left the van" If we left the van how would we gained any type of profit from the raid. Raiding after all you want to make as much profit as possible. The alert the car gives the cops is extremely unrealistic and shouldn't of even alerted the cops considering there was no security upgrade on it.

After this raid we left the area straight away. I went to Bazzar to buy something then drove off to then drive off to delivery warehouse. I stayed out of sight and out of mind. I then drove out of this area and went to the forest where aloo was asking for help. (something to do with him staking a guy out to mug or raid or something.

After a 10-15min period I finally decided to go back to BZ and see if there was anything to do, buy, anyone to speak to any friends at all.
The only person I spoke to without being hidden in the back of a BZ shop was a player called Ruben, He wanted to know how firearms leveling worked.

Situation #2

After chilling in BZ I think with Lewis morris( I was in the back of his shop). After being in the back of the shop legend called for help he was being chased by the cops. I added 1+1 together and said me and aloo are at BZ we will set a trap up drive to us. This worked as planned and legend drove past us for us to shoot the cops cars as they chased. After killing all the cops we said "hey lets rob the bank the cops numbers are low" We drove straight to DD to get the code to where we found Ruben and took him along on the ride. After getting the code we was still fine and drove to Subs storage to get other guns and items as needed.
After making sure ruben had a gun and making sure he did the bank code stuff correct (he was still kind of new to this stuff) we headed to get the drill. I would like to point out the drill spawns into multiple places on the map and is not controlled by us.

The drill spawn. The drill spawned behind slums. As we headed to slums there was a cop on the highway with a speed camera. and caused the cops to already be alerted to us. When driving to slums the tfu Van along with a undercover car and a second car following it gave chase. This caused a shootout at slums to where I died. This will also all be shown in a video you should of watched.

After re-spawning I ran to inter and over the bridge, to see aloo finishing a shootout and picking me up. He then told me to get a gun out of the trunk just incase he needs help. This is what I did and we drive off. While getting a gun out of the trunk aloo stated "there is a tfu sniper be carful" As soon as I got the gun I got back into the car and drove away.

Shortly after Aloo pulls a U-turn and heads to bank to then say "fuck I don't have drill anymore" the timer went away and so did we. As we turn around to drive away ruben jumps in the car and we dip.

Between situation 2-3

After driving around for a short while longer ruben asked something like "should go and legends gun" when driving away form situation 2, but it was already to late as we was on city bridge. Aloo said "fuck him he deserves to die". We decided to go back later. After going back the gun was still there and we put it in the trunk I asked aloo to go to uncle Coes to get wrenchs but I noticed cops was coming. I told aloo not to worry and lets get away, Instead we went to RC to get wrench's to fix the car. Using uncle coes would of been cop baiting. Not only would I have to spend time dropping/picking the gun up to speak to the shop keeper. It would of been done right infront of a cop. After driving away back towards intersection to drive away the cops was already there. As I had a wanted person in the back of my car I noticed 2-3 cars pull out of PD with there lights on. I skipped the red light and drove off, To the cops giving chase yet again. This is where situation #3 started.

When driving away we pulled to subs highway bend. and held point to shoot the cop car on its way past. It was pointless us going to BZ since there could of easily been spikes + other cops already set up (they was already set up on inter it would only make sense). After the cops died I gave Max an Acog from storage to where we made our final B-line towards bank to finish the raid we wanted to finally start.

We have reviewed this dispute extensively and looked at all the evidence, taking into account the backstory that you have provided. It is clear to us, in our view, that while you both did engage in a number of criminal activities throughout the time period you both observed all the necessary time limits imposed by the rules for each criminal activity that requires them. Following the timeline of events shows that all of your responses to the PLPD were necessary and justified in-order to preserve your lives.

Nonetheless that doesn't mean that we don't understand Riekelt's point-of-view and that of other Officers on at the time: playing as an officer during these events might have felt more compressed together, excessive, and rushed. However when you review the events in retrospect it all becomes a lot clearer that no rules were broken. As such, both of your bans have been lifted.

Reviewed with @blobvis 2.0 and @Hendricks
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