Ban Dispute (riekelt)

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: riekelt who else man
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: sorle
Your Roleplay Name: shoutbox ban
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51990442

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: homophobia? baiting?

Why should this appeal be considered?: SHOUTBOX BAN

i didnt realise i can be homophobic against myself my bad man!

said f slur + asked valid question apparently its baiting do i need a certificate of approval or some shit to show that i can reclaim that word or what? do i need to get the most recent dude i was with to make an account on the forums to verify it or what man?
crazy shit anyone who knows me can fucking verify that i only say it because i can reclaim it and i dont say anything else that i cant reclaim

dont see what part of what i was saying its baiting its a valid concern on my mind because u people are so fucking inconsistent and non-transparent with your enforcement of slurs, particularly non-racist slurs, that i dont know what the fuck to think anymore like ????? even when youve tried to make it clearer your whole team gives out conflicting information to the point where its just overwhelming, makes it a chore to show my face around here at all even when im taking myself seriously

its a word that i let slip by accident at this stage due to the amount i say it (BECAUSE I CAN RECLAIM IT) and i get slapped in the face with this because you cant get your shit together and answer simple questions without being vague

this genuinely pisses me off because this word has been a proponent of hate against me many times and me using it and reclaiming it is incredibly liberating, i dont give a fuck about the ban itself but what the fuck kind of precedent does this set?

Additional Information:
shoutbox ban
First of all I suggest that you calm down a bit, because you seem to be a bit angry.

Your shoutbox ban was enacted because of the context in which your message was sent, it came across to me as if you were baiting out other users to use the derogatory term for homosexual men. Baiting other users to come out with a response is a violation of rule 1.4 - causing problems.

It is difficult for us to verify your sexual orientation, and regardless thereof a derogatory term can be seen as offensive by anybody even if used by someone who would be considered to fall under that term. Therefor the use of such terms should be avoided.

This is now up to the other members of staff seeing as this is a dispute, and this will be my only statement towards you in regards to this ban.
it would've been nice to know that before i was fucking banned LOL! please continue perpetuating your terrible cycle of vagueness and horrific opacity throughout the community as a whole when it comes to genuine issues instead of simply educating people correctly and avoiding the situation in the first place

when your entire sexuality is invalidated it does tend to be a bit angering, consider how what you're doing is a bit gross that you're standing by and justifying those actions while telling the victim of them to calm down?

what "came across to you" doesnt matter, what the fuck is baiting about "can i use <word> if i like men" ITS A YES OR NO QUESTION??? if someone is "baited" into saying it by that then they just wanted an excuse to say it, they can just answer yes or no
How exactly am I being vague?

Nobody is invalidating your sexuality, and if you really are homosexual then I can only say good for you, I support that.

The problem comes in when derogatory terms are used in the shoutbox, and where it is not completely apparent that you are using it in a non-offensive way.

Someone did think that it was offensive, and reported it. Which prompted me to take action.
@Riekelt the "action" you couldve taken is answering my fucking question and deleting the message instead of banning someone for using a word they can reclaim in any other setting when they were uneducated on a serious issue

"nobody is invalidating your sexuality" while proceeding to do so the entire time prime gaslighting yea this shit is so crazy to me man

also not sure what happened to only statement but here we are

You should avoid using any homophobic language, regardless of your sexual orientation. At the end of the day, it's still a pejorative, and clearly by the forum report caused offence to at least one person. However, that being said, I will lower the ban to 2 days from the original 1-week due to your relatively clean forum record for a couple of years.

Reviewed with @Hendricks @flugs @Acerius
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