Ban Dispute (Riekelt)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Riekelt
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: aloo89
Your Roleplay Name: leonard
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169228602

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 3.4 - User asked a random player to kill an officer over a traffic offense, not only breaking the rules themselves but roping another player into the fact as well. Longer ban due to previous record for these rules.

Why should this appeal be considered?: first at all i didnt ask him i was trolling didnt know he will do it i do that all time i dont know why did he take the offer 2 thing is the guy who killed cop he must (know me / know reason to kill the cop not just killing cops as i remmber ) (down at the photo if you go to the records you will find out that my (friend) didnt get ban bc he told me boomb the pd i got it bc i did it ).

it was troll as they pulled gun out at the officer so i didnt even mean them to kill the officer but they did it for 10k + i never was going pay them tell i see my self geting 3 month ban

tph i dont know why its 3 moth ban its not worth it

Hello aloo89,

Your ban length is due to the fact that you were unbanned for breaking similar (and the same rules) on the 18th of august.

Due to this act, I find the rules you broke all the more serious and warranting a longer ban than the ban you were originally issued (2 months).

You told a player you did not know, and not knowing what they would do "[Local] Leonard Bushross: do it black guy and get 10k". This is pretty clearly a request to kill the Police officer, while you had absolutely no reason to ask that. You were getting a traffic ticket.

As for me targetting you, if you truly believe that to be the case then feel free to make a staff complaint with the evidence. I would however like to inform you that if you truly believe that, you are highly over-estimating how much I care about you as an individual.

It is true that I tend to noclip around players that are known to get themselves into questionable situations from time to time just to check on things, and it is also true that for me you do fall into that category.
since i cant edit sadly how its 3.4 i dont know how did i break 3.4 on this situation

Due to this act, I find the rules you broke all the more serious and warranting a longer ban than the ban you were originally issued (2 months).

i would like to say yes i have 37 ban atm lock at all of them maxum ban was 2 weeks on all years but this year i got 2 month and i deserve it wont lie the 35 bans all of them for the same reason 2.5 3.4 but no one of them was over 2 weeks and lock on bans this year 5 bans the last years 8-9 ban every year no one of them was over 2 weeks ( sadly some stuff i cant say it her i must say it on stuff complain )

You told a player you did not know, and not knowing what they would do "[Local] Leonard Bushross: do it black guy and get 10k". This is pretty clearly a request to kill the Police officer, while you had absolutely no reason to ask that. You were getting a traffic ticket.

i told him do since he pull the gun bhind the cop didnt beg

As for me targetting you, if you truly believe that to be the case then feel free to make a staff complaint with the evidence. I would however like to inform you that if you truly believe that, you are highly over-estimating how much I care about you as an individual.

since i cant edit sadly how its 3.4 i dont know how did i break 3.4 on this situation
You are telling someone to kill a Police officer... in front of said Police officer. If found out, you would probably get warranted for murder as well and are very likely to get into a firefight with the Police.

Refer to rule 3.4, examples:
Murdering a police officer(s) to avoid yourself or others receiving a minor punishment, such as a small ticket or a minor jail sentence.

In this case, you are both committing a crime and by proxy murdering a Police officer over a traffic violation.

i told him do since he pull the gun bhind the cop didnt beg
You literally told a man with a gun pointed at a cop to do it, what did you expect would happen?

After reviewing with @Super_ and @Bojing we have concluded that you didn't break 3.4 but you did break 2.5. In light of this, 3.4 will be removed from the ban reason and your ban will be reduced to 1 Month.

Next time, Don't tell people to kill police in front of them, especially if they already have a gun out or they are nearby.
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