Ban Dispute (rxsm)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: rxsm
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 week

Your Steam Name: CentralMint
Your Roleplay Name: Frank Silva
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:570859047

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4, 3.30 - User pulled a weapon out whilst under gunpoint, then proceeded to instantly confiscate the weapon after killing assailant, then proceeded to die.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I had detained Romeo Fanta (rxsm) because he looked like an individual that we had DNA on for murder, I was taking him away to run his name and he began asking for help saying 10 toes, an individual pulled out a gun and was quickly dealt with, Mr. Fanta took this opportunity to run away and have his friend release him from handcuffs, Mr. Fanta was then taken into custody again, and was brought to the car I ran him but he was clear but, he was going to be charged for 6.9 Fleeing. I went to go deal with his friend and grab another suspect, as I was approaching the car with another suspect, Mr. Fanta's accomplice Mrs. Fanta pulled out a gun and was quickly dealt with.

It appeared to me at that time that all that were associated with Romeo Fanta were deceased or in custody and I did not want any civs getting any more ideas, so I had confiscated the gun.

As Georgine Fanta pulled his gun out I had pulled mine out, I don't believe he had the drop on me at all.

I hope you can reconsider this punishment, as it is never my intention to annoy people by just yoinking their guns because I can, and act like "Hehe my gun now yoink!" I hope it wasn't viewed that way by rxsm because that is never the case.

As can be seen in your clip, you only drew your handgun when you saw the other user's weapons in passive (before they aimed them at you), meaning you were not in violation of rule 3.4 in both cases.

Rule 3.30 Confiscation states that evidence is permitted to be confiscated if the officer is unable to watch over the evidence and leaving it where it is would risk it being tampered with by a member of the public, which we believe took precedent in this case, as you had a suspect in cuffs running away and no knowledge of additional assailants nearby (it's the Bazaar, after all).

To conclude, you did not violate any rules throughout this situation, meaning your ban will be lifted from your account.

Reviewed with @3izu & @Sean
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