Ban Dispute (Scoot)

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Reaction score
PD Holding Cell
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scoot
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: sasuke0115
Your Roleplay Name: Amy Jordan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:243856479

Why were you punished?: 3.20- User disconnected while they had a report open

Why should this appeal be considered?: I would like to begin by saying that this ban was unneeded. Scoot could have easily talked to me about this in the conversation you can see he opened on the evidence link. Secondly, if you look at my ban reason there is no other reason on it other than 3.20, how could you argue that i disconnected in a report even tho i did nothing wrong? In the third place, you have accused me of killing a new player at bazaar. I have not killed them, i have killed the player that killed the new player. I was talking to the new player to calm down because he was swinging a bat everyone and a guy named Opie shoot him. I proceeded by shooting Opie. On the report you opened with me you gave me a completly diferent name. Also worth stating that i have waited for a reply from you for more than 30 minutes. From my ban reason you can see i was not going to be punished 2.5 because i didnt kill anyone for no reason. I had a valid reason to kill Opie and lets just say i WAS in the wrong, why didnt you make any attempts to contact me? You obviously know how to since you made a conversation to say and i quote: "Hi there,

I am just notifying you that you have received a ban for 3.20 as you disconnected from the server while a report was open with you. A link to your ban is below:". I belive this ban could have been completely avoided. Also, Perpheads is a place to have fun. Not to hand out punishments like its warm bread. People come here to have fun and to enjoy their stay and as a staff member you should at least attempt at helping others and talking to them. I understand this server is a serious RP one but considering the ban was for something OOC related, i dont see why you should punish me. Again stating that you should have made a conversation with me to talk to me about "why did you leave" or "we can continue the report from yesterday here". Considering its a ban related to leaving while a report was opened you could have continued it via other means: steam chat, discord, perpheads conversation etc. Also what if i had an IRL emergency and had to leave? did you take that into consideration?

Additional Information: Dont hand out punishments like they are popsicles. People come here to have fun.
I mean you claiming you were waiting for a reply for more than 30 minutes when the report was literally opened a minute prior to you disconnecting doesn't sound right, does it? You also did kill Dick Mullen in bazaar.

Edit: You shot Opie and shot Dick Mullen in crossfire and let him bleed out it seems from logs
i remember. im getting demo in just a second. probablly when i shot opie, i went through him and killed an afk player at bazaar. im retrieveing the demo now
i remember. im getting demo in just a second. probablly when i shot opie, i went through him and killed an afk player at bazaar. im retrieveing the demo now

Ok, but I think that doesn't justify you breaking 3.20 unfortunately, you were not punished for 2.5, and Scoot was waiting on the clip from the user you shot
I got the demo. In the video you can see i wasnt paying attention as i didnt realise i shot the person in the back. After reviewing the demo myself i have now seen i did shoot the guy in the back. In the heat of the momnet i was concentrating on people not stealing weapons and trying to make a self deffesnse call etc. I still believe should not be punished for 3.20 as Scoot could have continued the report in the conversation, not just state " you have been banned for 3.20". This could have easily been avoided.
I got the demo. In the video you can see i wasnt paying attention as i didnt realise i shot the person in the back. After reviewing the demo myself i have now seen i did shoot the guy in the back. In the heat of the momnet i was concentrating on people not stealing weapons and trying to make a self deffesnse call etc. I still believe should not be punished for 3.20 as Scoot could have continued the report in the conversation, not just state " you have been banned for 3.20". This could have easily been avoided.

Yes this could've easily been avoided if you stayed on for a bit longer whilst Scoot was able to speak to you, the report was literally open for a minute, regardless you still broke 3.20, you should not be disconnecting with an open report
To be fair, i totaly forgot i had an open report because i was so dumbfounded about the fact that scoot told my i killed a "dick mullen" i had to go because my mom called me out i think and had to disconnect.

Regardless, you should've at least told him in the report and it could've been sorted out, instead you disconnecting is still breaking the rules, Scoot can message you and deal with you from there regarding the shooting now you have sent a clip of it, as he was waiting on a clip from the reporter.
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