Ban Dispute (Scoot)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scoot
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: MILKY
Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Watson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:151207084

Why were you punished?: 3.4, 3.21- User shot and killed another player in front of the police officer NPC at the private parking barrier

Why should this appeal be considered?: I will start by saying that we just recently came from a raid at Subs that happened maybe 3-5 minutes ago, and during that raid we shot cops and civilians, leading me to possibly be warranted for 9.5 due to medics being on scene, possibly resulting in my DNA being in their database. While driving back towards our base, we drove past the PD, where I saw my orgmate Afk, so we drove towards the slums, made a u-turn, and saw that a random guy was punching my friend in front of the PD, resulting in my orgmate bleeding and causing great bodily harm. Due to my witnessing this and my having a warrant for 9.5, I acted in self-defense on behalf of my friend's life and safety. We were around 5–6 people in different cars from my organization, fully armed as well. I was unable to make a 911 call about the incident due to my possible warrant. I didn't want to break 3.4 by calling the police about this situation due to it possibly causing another situation with the police. I was unable to deal with the police NPC at the parking gate due to my having a warrant and my DNA already being out there, thus causing me to leave the scene and drove away.

For more information, I understand that from a third-party perspective, it can look as if I broke 2.5, 3.4 and 2.21. Subsequently, within the server rules, I feel as if I acted within the server rules. Im still sorry for the confusion that it may have caused. I would like to thank you for your time and consideration in reading and dealing with this report and disspute.

After internal deliberation among the Administration team, it was decided that the two or so punches thrown by the new player did not sufficiently justify the risk of capture caused by the open shooting at PD in front of the NPC. In the instance wherein DNA might have been taken from Subs, risking a gunfight or capture at the PD was disproportionate to the benefit of stopping killing a sweater for landing 2 punches on an org member. In the event that no DNA had been taken, the actions committed guaranteed additional DNA to be taken and a subsequent warrant being placed. As stated in 3.21, NPCs should be treated as real players, so murdering someone in front of a police officer guaranteed a warrant and further evidence as aforementioned.

Additionally, your claim of self-defense does not hold up considering you full auto’d him with a rifle, finishing him off, then drove away - That is murder.

Given that either possibility carried unnecessary risk, we still believe the rules were violated. That being said, due to the fact that the catalyst for this rule break was a rule breaking sweater, we have decided to reduce the ban.

@Oddy @3izu @Efan @Collier @A1L

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