Ban Dispute (sidd)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: sidd
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Athcol
Your Roleplay Name: Lewis Bewan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:617287214

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: not comply to zip ties

Why should this appeal be considered?: because first off all i jumped of the roof after we was done talking so it didint do shit you even said have a good day right after so idk what that adds on, and i didint say anything bad to you other than talking about how stupid one of my warns was. Literally 3 weeks for that lmao how, and youre also saying alot of cap in the ban, your talking like i did a major dis to you and jumped of mid sit well i know this is getting denied cuz none of you care i have experienced of what i have been on the server literally got banned for nothing 1 time
yeah i know, but i know im acting very dumb right now. But adding on jumping of roof at the end of the sit to increase after we were done and the on i said stupid stuff on the other warning idk how that adds on man
well i didint record it, and i can agree that i behaved a little bad in the sit. But i jumped off the roof after he said have a good day and i was gonna get banned. Idk why you guys have to give so long ban for not complying, and the other stuff and im sorry if that admin took that i said as harrasment i didint mean it to be that i was just mad and was talking about another warning

Demofiles are recorded automatically, please see the guide i linked to upload it. Failure to do so, will get this dispute denied.
yes i saw it i but i dont understand it, and i jumped off after we were done talking and i said some stuff i shouldnt maybe said but it wasnt anything to bad

You shouldn't jump off the roof, not even if you were already getting banned, as it will only cause problems. Within this dispute you've admitted your wrongdoing, however I see you have an issue with the banlength. If you believe the banlength is excessive please make a staff complaint on @sidd.

Reviewed with @Acerius, @Aquaa & @Hayden
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