Ban Dispute (Sindarin)

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Sindarin - SamSN was also involved in the decision
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Sorle
Your Roleplay Name: Emiliano Ross
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51990442

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - User killed a player and two others in collateral with a grenade at city hall, he had thrown this grenade as the player was making a 911 call for him holding the grenade. He had pulled out the grenade due to verbal insults as a 'deterrent'.

Why should this appeal be considered?: The claim of it being a "deterrent" was false - I misspoke due to rushing my initial response and maintained that it wasn't being used as a deterrent throughout the rest of the report. Was kinda just pulled out for the sake of having it ready for my plans of attempting to mug with it - in that process I decided to mess about with a funny feature I found - was not taken to kindly and I was clearly trying to have a bit of fun which was met with a 911 call, which led to the escalation of the situation.

The claim is that killing the person is not a valid escalation - this person attempted to call the police on me for possessing a grenade. This is a felony charge which carries confiscation as a possibility - as I had two grenades this could lead to great monetary loss on my part and is a valid reason to kill. Not only that, but the response by police to call of a grenade would inherently endanger my life as they would arrive with guns drawn, ready to shoot anyone seen with explosives. The 911 caller knew this and went ahead with it. This has always been a very valid response to "snitching" for serious crime and I see no reason why it wouldn't be now.

The claim made by Sindarin is that the crime itself only carries a maximum sentence of 3 years and $3000 fine, this however ignores the entire principle:
  • Sindarin attempted to compare it to reporting someone for 10.1 - which is a misdemeanour charge while possession of explosives is a felony.
  • When reporting someone for 10.1, you are not actively attempting to have difficult to obtain items taken from their possession - such as in the case of possession of explosives, where you are entirely banking on the idea that these wholly illegal items will be confiscated & I will suffer great financial loss.
  • The response to a 10.1 call is never going to be weapons drawn with intent to shoot - explosives calls immediately put my life, as the perpetrator, at much greater risk.
The 911 caller chose to attempt to put me in a position where my life was at risk, my freedom was at risk, and my valuables and money were at risk. As such, I see no reason why killing him would not be a reasonable escalation.

The collateral was simply natural selection at a point - a good couple of seconds before throwing I said twice to move away, and I also made genuine effort to throw it to the side, out of range of everyone but the target. One of the people was literally bearhugging me and running towards the grenade as I threw it so I see no way I could be blamed for that, and the other simply just didn't move after I made my intentions clear; however there was still a very decent attempt to avoid catching them in the blast radius, I didn't see a way they would've been hit but they were somehow.

The grenade is thrown far away from anyone else in the vicinity but my intended target & one person walked directly towards it, while another (who from my view was very far out of what the radius should be) did not move at all after being given adequate warning to move.

Additional Information:
Think my words were entirely misconstrued throughout the whole situation - can provide as many clips of the actual discussion as I have to anyone handling it to show this.
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I have submitted a response in the correct area, if you have any issue with my actual handling of the report, as this post kind of implies feel free to submit a staff complaint on myself.
I have submitted a response in the correct area, if you have any issue with my actual handling of the report, as this post kind of implies feel free to submit a staff complaint on myself.
Don't exactly plan on a staff complaint truthfully as it kinda just doesn't feel right for a situation like this, but is there any chance I could find a different time to talk to you about some stuff in greater depth? Right now isn't the best time and there's just some stuff I wanna sort through

This has always been a very valid response to "snitching" for serious crime and I see no reason why it wouldn't be now.
First of all, having a grenade on you falls under law 7.2:

7.2 Possession of Explosives and Incendiaries​

It is illegal for a person to manufacture, possess, sell, or transport an explosive or incendiary device.
Felony - liable to 3 years maximum imprisonment, $3,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.

I think it was more than clear that you were not risking a big sentence. On top of this, the argument that you would've lost your grenades and that it would be a "great financial loss" is not really acceptable. If you did not wish to lose your grenades why are you pulling them out in front of CH?

Also, keep in mind that the keybind you're using to avert the explosion of your grenade is a bug abusing/exploit. Once the spoon is taken off, the grenade is meant to explode and the fact that the server doesn't have the mechanic to stop that process should be clear indication that it shouldn't be used.

We do agree however that you are not responsible for the collaterals, if people see a grenade and they stick around then its their fault.

Reviewed with @A1L @curak
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