Ban Dispute (SNUSMUS)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: SNUSMUS
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: NeXuS
Your Roleplay Name: Marcus Cromwell
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:45804070

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5- Using molotovs in a raid and throwing molotovs at people raiding.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I'm not certain that I'm right but I don't believe I broke rules, or at the very least I don't understand this at all.
Its gonna be a little long but this is my reason.
Yesterday I specifically asked head admin about terrorism, if it can be done by the rules. Like if we get raided distract the raiders or intentionally cause chaos to call police on our rivals or just scare people away, carbombing etc.
Admin said as long as its not random killing so deathmatch and doesn't impact players experience negatively I mean those players who didn't do any harm to me cause then we could consider breaking a rule every time I kill a player in any way cause that impacts their experience negatively.

Additional Information: So admin said its fine and I did these things as he said.

Things I did yesterday. I called the cops on regals, when they arrived I dropped a grenade at the interior stairs from regals 5 down to regals 1 then i called cops again and reported an explosion at regals 1. Of course every cop came and exterminated our competition. Its a strategy.
After that I tried actual terrorism, I waited until there are no players in the parking lot to don't impact players experience negatively, then I dropped grenade from regals 5 balcony into the parking lot and set a car on fire. Then one car blew up setting everything on fire, fire spread, second car blew up, third car blew up, so I blew up like 4 cars, the entire place the entire parking lot of regals was on fire, it was chaos. No one said a word, no admin or moderator said I was breaking every rules it was absolutely fine.

Today I first go to regals 3 we try to raid them me and my partner. we stand at the door, my partner with a gun I with a molotov behind him. He opens the door starts shooting at the other guy, the guy in regals 3 shoots my partner, then I drop a molotov directly onto the guy and then I died, so a failed raid.

Then like 20 mins later they come to my base regals 5 to raid us, they break in and kill my partner, I drop a molotov into our own apartment killing the 2 intruders setting my own base on fire to defend ourselves, then i call police and shout for help, firefighters come and save me, police takes the dead bodies and we are fine we saved the base.

Then they try to raid us again but they fail and retreat back to the ground floor, we follow them to regals 1, I shoot them on the front door but I'm out of bullets, I drop a molotov on the front door but that doesn't kill them so I go to the back door and drop a second molotov that probably killed someone, then someone shot me dead outside.

So that's what happened.
Admin said if I killed those players with grenade or pistol or shotgun or whatever its fine but killing players with molotov is breaking rule 2.5
WHY? I don't get it, if you are forbidden to use molotov coctails to kill players or defend yourself then why are you allowed to buy them in the first place?
Admin says I broke rule because molotov sets stuff on fire while grenade just kills them. I kill them anyway just with different weapons.

Why give players a weapons they can't use? I just want to kill the guys who raid me or want to kill the guy who I'm raiding, I'm using molotovs because I can't craft any more grenades and the guy in bazaar doesn't have the crafting level either, molotov is cheaper and it was my only options for explosive.

I didn't use molotov to just randomly set things on fire cause its fun to watch, I was killing players with molotov and in the previous case yesterday I did terrorism but that was with grenade.

So summary:

Using grenades to blow up 4 cars in regals parking lot that causes a massive fire on the entire area is fine, no rules broken, no punishment because I didn't directly cause the fire with my grenade I just blew up the cars that later exploded and threw fire everywhere.

Using molotovs to kill 2 players and setting the doors and barricades on fire cause its unavoidable if I use molotov is against 2.5 and 3 days ban.

Now try to explain me how this makes any sense???


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United Kingdom
Using grenades to blow up 4 cars in regals parking lot that causes a massive fire on the entire area is fine, no rules broken, no punishment because I didn't directly cause the fire with my grenade I just blew up the cars that later exploded and threw fire everywhere.

You can not use grenades to randomly blow up vehicles, they damage the engine of the vehicle and is against rule 2.5

Using molotovs to kill 2 players and setting the doors and barricades on fire cause its unavoidable if I use molotov is against 2.5 and 3 days ban.

You set the property on fire, which you can not raid with molotovs as it is against rule 2.5 as well.
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You misunderstood what the admin said. He didn't say "as long as you don't kill them", he said "as long as you don't negatively impact someone". Damaging cars for no reason is definitely considered negatively impacting someone.
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United Kingdom
Did you not see the part of the help chat yesterday where I replied with "e.g. set fire to a building that nobody is using"? Or did you just not understand that bit?
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  • Use explosives or incendiaries without taking precautions to ensure that uninvolved player's items are not damaged.
So its against rule 2.5 to destroy to property of those who raided me or who I want to raid. Without the intention to destroy anything because you just wanna kill them or with the intention it doesn't matter, because the rule says uninvolved players.
I only did harm to players involved except for the case yesterday but like I said, bombing the entire parking lot was fine admin said nothing, today killing 2 players and destroying like 1 door and 2 barricades is 3 days ban.

So destroying 4 cars no ban, destroying 1 door and 2 barricades 3 days ban when those belongings were the player's who I was raiding or who raided me.

rule says "When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry inside of the property being raided are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction."

That means raiding or defending against raiders my actions in both cases are justified and only players who raided me or who I was raiding were involved.

I didn't negatively impact any other player's experience who were not involved. and like I said if I get ban for this then I could get ban for simply killing a player when raiding them cause that impacts their experience negatively as well.


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United Kingdom
bombing the entire parking lot was fine admin said nothing

Like stated, this was not allowed and no idea who said it was okay, but it isn't and is against 2.5

That means raiding or defending against raiders my actions in both cases are justified and only players who raided me or who I was raiding were involved.

Like stated, you can not use molotovs in raids, it is against 2.5
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Like stated, this was not allowed and no idea who said it was okay, but it isn't and is against 2.5

Like stated, you can not use molotovs in raids, it is against 2.5
Okay but then can you copy-paste the part of 2.5 where it says what you say that you are not allowed to use molotovs in raids? Cause I'm looking and rule 2.5 I don't see that. and as far as I know I can only be banned for something that the rule states I can't do.
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Like stated, this was not allowed and no idea who said it was okay, but it isn't and is against 2.5

Like stated, you can not use molotovs in raids, it is against 2.5
  • Use explosives or incendiaries WITHOUT TAKING precautions to ensure that UNINVOLVED player's items are not damaged.
First try to understand your own rules before enforcing them unjustly,
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