Ban Dispute (steelo)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @steelo
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: søren
Your Roleplay Name: Besian Ali
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:158204263

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - Killed another user for seemingly no reason.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Before the incident of the shooting, the player attacked me in the parking lot and ran off. I told him I would kill him the next time I saw him for doing so. And so I kept my word. I have the right to kill him, he decided to do a 2.5 I do not have a clip of the incident of him punching me, and if you contact him, he will probably lie, which I can't blame him for since it is the easiest thing to do to avoid punishment and the easiest thing to do so that you wont remove my ban.
I don't know if you have access to any logs at the time where you can see him punching me, I assume you probably do not, but I am still irritated that I am banned because of this. I acted according to the power i held in that situation, and do not believe
I should be banned for retaliating.

Additional Information: (My friend is speaking in discord, he isn't on garrys mod, he's waiting out a ban)
He is guiding me through the situation in Danish
Also, I dont believe I was even contacted by the admin who punished me or any other admins about the case for that matter. I feel it is not fair, to ban me only hearing one side of the story
I hadn't seen that you opened a report, I was killed by police. I quit after dying. I'm not saying you are lying, but I can not remember seeing any report being opened in the chat.
I’d be more than happy to review your demo. If I review it and I find that you were never attacked by the player and that you’re lying, I’ll extend your ban to 1month. How’s that sound?
What is your definition of attacked? He hit me in the parking lot, I don't know if he hit me more than once but he definitely hit me. How will you review the demo? Do you need me to send a certain demo? Or do you have it, because I didn't download it at the time
Start at 20:00
I go a little bit, drive to get my gun, drive to Bazaar, try and find him, and do what has to be done to the litle kid
Also, the rest of this demo, proves that I did not receive any report from an admin or any admin messaging me, before I left the game.
You can hear that he says "I'm gonna punch this guy for no reason" and "Remember my name, you're a dead man"

Before the incident of the shooting, the player attacked me in the parking lot and ran off. I told him I would kill him the next time I saw him for doing so.
Can you remember exactly what you said to him in the parking lot?

Did you threaten him first?
No, I simply went to the parking lot to get my car, I have no clue who this guy is, he just came and started harassing me. After he started being aggressive, he punched me and demanded money. I'm pretty sure I got in my car and told him to fuck off, after which he said "Remember my name" something something "Youre a dead man" to which i responded "Youre a dead man

After reviewing the demo, it's clear to see that I've made a mistake here. Although I did open a report with you, moments later you disconnected from the server. I gave it about an hour to see if you would reconnect and then went ahead and issued the ban.

I'll go ahead and unban you and extend @bigjlle's ban by a day for punching you for no reason at the parking garage, sparking all of this.

My apologies and happy new year!
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