Ban Dispute/wrong rule.

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you:Homer

Your Steam Name:[PH] ErmakDimon
Your In-game Name: Dmitrii Ermakovich
Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:50947970

Why were you banned/blacklisted: 4.1: User disconnected after having a lengthy argument about giving Moher4 Moussy a ticket as an officer, at the end he said "Fuck you" and left his job and disconnected. (As told by Niko) User can dispute if he feels this is too excessive.
Why should this appeal be considered: 4.1? Excuse me how did i break the law by saying "Fuck you"? If it is considered as breakage of 4.1, Sdac2 should have a week ban already (always disrespectful to other officers and usually saying fuck you to them)
but whatever.
Even though i disconnected in an rp sit, it did not ruin it since Moher left unticketed.
But tell me, why sould i show him exact speed if i showed him dashcam footage and it was visible without a radar, he said "Either call a supervisor or let me alone".
Why should i have radar evidence if he was going very fast and over speed limit and it's visible without the radar? Simply. He wanted to waste 10 minutes rather than to pay $1k of his million.
Anyways, i disconnected cause i had to go to dinner.

Additional Comment(s): Btw also SDac was yelling "Bus Accident" and i beleive its a breakage of 3.21 as real youtube has nothing to do with ic youtube and he has done it multiple times.
Evidence (If Applicable)
: I can show you the demo of Moher speeding.
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If you now did say that you have dashcam footage why not have the balls to say it? I mean yes you might've seen it but if an officer in real life said to me that they had footage and the speed recorded well then I would like to see the evidence of it.
You used a derogatory term (fuck) and aimed it towards Moher, which goes against law 1.2, and therefore rule 4.1 as you were a speed enforcer.
Your attitude in IC was also very disrespectful, as you had a tendency to constantly yell "fucking", which is, still, a derogatory term.

You never actually finished the situation properly. You didn't tell Moher "alright, no ticket, no evidence" or give him a ticket, etc. You simply said "fuck you" and proceeded to quit your job, then the server few seconds later.

So far, I see this as perfectly valid.
4.1 by be a little bit far for this but remember, verbal harassment is against the law under law 1.2 - and therefore contributes to the 4.1 - He added this to ensure you realise in the future, that as an officer you must act orderly and polite. Also disconnecting in an RP sit is one of the worst things you can do, and I would be very happy Homer has only made it a 1 day ban as it could of affected the roleplay of others.
You're acting like this is a massive deal by saying things like "He wanted to waste 1k out of his million"- in all fairness he can make a report as much as he wants to. If he believes that you're breaking the rules and/or the laws then he may contact an Administrator, which he clearly has.

"Even though i disconnected in an rp sit, it did not ruin it since Moher left unticketed."

It really doesn't matter if he had a ticket or if he didn't, at the end of the day you left during a Role Play situation.

In addition, by telling people to "Fuck off" is a derogatory term - ie, disrespectful - therefore you may be punished for anything which goes along them lines.


Personally, this is clearly a ban dispute so I wouldn't start aiming fingers at other people stating that they broke the rules, report them, this is about you getting unbanned- not them.

You should have known better Ermak.
Don't know how I broke 3.21 (Walking on the highway) By saying the name of a youtube video, Also people play youtube videos on ingame TVs so I don't see the problem. And, You were telling me to ''stfu'' in the LOOC chat when I was talking, Don't know why.
Hello Ermak,

After having a discussion with Riekelt, Chris & Niko we've all come to conclusion that you will be unbanned and your ban removed and instead, a warning.

As for asking why I added rule 4.1 was due to law 1.2,

1.2 Verbal Abuse

The act of using any form of derogatory and/or Discriminatory Terms used directly against a person in a Public Setting.

You said "Fuck you" which was directed to Moher4 moussy.

Regarding the "Disconnected in an RP situation" we felt you should've left a reasonable amount of time after you leave any RP situation and not after 5 seconds.

Closed and moved.
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