Ban dispute

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: Jack

Your Steam Name: Nutrient12
Your In-game Name: Mel Mahoney
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:100940387

Why were you banned?: 4.1, 3.20 Constantly breaking laws and minging as a Paramedic, then disconnecting in the middle of admin sit.
Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: Jack has completely milked this ban and it's stupid, let me start things off I was a medic and people were minging outside shooting each other. Kenty had decided to arrest someone in the middle of the intersection and I had accidentally run them over, after I had returned they were still minging outside of the hospital with guns laying on the floor so as a joke I chucked a gun on the roof however they were still able to retrieve it...But kenty took this to heart and demoted me for an hour then got Jack to blacklist me for 2 days. So at this point of being demoted, I was roadcrew, Jack had physgunned my vehicle and stopped me in my tracks then just said that kenty wanted me blacklisted for 2 days and that I was able to dispute It, since he didn't drag me to a roof or tp me to a different area away from people and he just told me that he was blacklisting me I said "nah man, that's bullshit I'm leaving" and just left. Shocked to my investigation Jacky boi over here clearly got hurt and has lied in his ban saying that I disconnected during an admin sit.

Additional Comment(s): Don't milk ban reasons, banning someone and saying they disconnected during an admin sit without informing they're in one is childish mate.
Evidence (Required for all server bans): if it's needed I'll get it.
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