Ban Request 2.5

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Your Steam/In-game Name: William
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Krueger and John Doe
His/Her SteamID: KruegerSTEAM_0:1:7509130 - John DoeSTEAM_0:1:20840312
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I have no idea who these guys are, but they drove up to my farmhouse and throw 2 molotovs and left. 2.5
Evidence (Demo Required):!Y0UElBCT

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They should get a warning or a ban, next time they need to be 100% sure before molotoving the correct house.
We raided ur house ur put us down
, we got to jail, and when we came out we molotoved ur crip, next time, kill people who raid u don't put them to jail, or revenge will happen
Wait a minute. @KruegerG and @gottlieb94 raided you, you owned them. They get revived and arrested by the police, and now they burn your shit down as revenge?

Wow, guys. That's the best story I had in days. It's kinda your own fault, if you fail raiding and get arrested.
We raided ur house ur put us down
, we got to jail, and when we came out we molotoved ur crip, next time, kill people who raid u don't put them to jail, or revenge will happen

Okey.. so you raid our house and get arrested by the police. And when you get out of jail you decided to burn us in alive? so we lose all our stuff and drugs? Is that fair? or even realistic? It was your choice to raid us, and cops handled you. Why should we have to lose stuff to around 40-50k?

No real demo provided.

[DOUBLEPOST=1433174071,1433066285][/DOUBLEPOST]//Reopened and accepted since @Shaun sent me a demo.

They will both be banned for breaking rule 2.5.
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