Ban Request. 3 Police officers.

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Your Steam/In-game Name: YoloMuffin/ Brian Husky
His/Her Steam/In-game Name; Wang King; Hazukly Tiggs; Soul Evans
His/Her SteamID: Unknown. I dont know their steam but i have a picture of their steam id.

Why Should This Player Be Punished: So, Chrissy and Sdac2 were mugging me after i witnessed them kidnaping someone. Chrissy was busy shooting the guy who was in his raptor (Kidnaped one) so i ran, i get in my car drive to a place where i'm safe with officers. Boy was i wrong i get out and get on the ground but, they start shooting at me for no reason then they disabled my car. (Shown in video) (Was unarmed and on the ground) So they broke rules 4.1; 11.11
Evidence (Demo Required):
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The officers in this video had nothing to show that you were unarmed, this is the thought process they took:

> Gunshots around the corner (Can't see them)
> Car appears from where the gunshots were.
> People in car deffo armed.
> Trying to flee the crime scene.
> Hid behind car perhaps to get some pot shots at the cops.
> I better kill him before he gets a big gun out of his trunk...

In no way am I saying it's acceptable to do this, but look at their perspective and think about what you would do in this situation. I think a blacklist and warning would be more appropriate, but heck it ain't my call.

Note - Find that "Wang King" guy and issue a warning for 3.1 and a name change. (1:14 in the video)
Im sorry if i caused any problems or troubles with you @Brian Husky. Its just that i was responding to a call about a kidnapping happening at farm. I was first respondant and I go into the farm. I see the man in the white whos handcuffed (Who is apperantly dead at 1:20) and I arrest him since he is the only lead/Most likly to be the kidnapped of that crime. I then see you pulling in relizing "Huh, He isnt apart of this and is probally gonna shoot me". So thats why I fire two shots at your vechile. I know that I was not the one to make the tires pop and if necassary I will provide a refund (Of cash) to you to fix the vechile or pay back for the repairs. Again, I am terribly sorry for this mishape and will make sure that It doesnt happen again. Just talk to me any time if you need that refund and I will also give you my Steam name/ID if you want to press any furthur charges.

Steam Name: TheGamingDevil
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:88346660
The officers in this video had nothing to show that you were unarmed, this is the thought process they took:

> Gunshots around the corner (Can't see them)
> Car appears from where the gunshots were.
> People in car deffo armed.
> Trying to flee the crime scene.
> Hid behind car perhaps to get some pot shots at the cops.
> I better kill him before he gets a big gun out of his trunk...

In no way am I saying it's acceptable to do this, but look at their perspective and think about what you would do in this situation. I think a blacklist and warning would be more appropriate, but heck it ain't my call.

Note - Find that "Wang King" guy and issue a warning for 3.1 and a name change. (1:14 in the video)

First of all. Lets look at the speed enforcers perspective. Right so at about 0:34 it looks like there is a guy shooting at me and the speed enforcer. What he does is say that i'm getting away and completely ignores the fact that i'm being shot at and also ignores the person with the gun. At 0:42 I get out of the car and the second i do a officers starts shooting me. I got on the ground because i saw the officer pointing in my direction. Lets no ignore the fact that the officer saw a guy shooting at him but instead he wanted to stop me. He also did not inform of the police officers about him. (Guy with gun @Chrissy)

11.11 Right to Use Firearms

LEOs may only use their firearms when a suspect(s) is posing a direct threat to any other member of the public and/or is believed to be intent on harming any other such person(s) (appropriate evidence, as defined under section 10.3, must have been obtained when acting on such a belief).

: (appropriate evidence, as defined under section 10.3, must have been obtained when acting on such a belief).

So their evidence is, me driving to the police officers to "RUN AWAY" while getting shot at. They do not have evidence and i was unarmed getting mugged.

Also the speed enforcer saw the guy but wanted to arrest me?

Just because they tought is not enough. They must get evidence.
Even if the officers jad nothing to show that i was unarmed they had nothing ti show that i was armed. And lets not forget that i yelled help about 5 times
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Although the officers could have handled it better but you drove into to what looked like a shoot out and then you got out your vehicle when you couldev just have left the area or remained put.
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