Ban request BA98

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name:
Robstar/Erik Larsen

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
BA98/Ben Anderson

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Took out gun on gun point Tick:34000 (i was muggin him), and claims its okay, cause he was going to die anyways. He typed that in LOOC in the end of the demo.
(I even searched him for weapons /me is able to see at Tick:33800)

Stall the RP - Dont follow me (and try to walk up the stairs onces), Dont shut up when i tell him to,

Fail RP/Risk his life - I tell him to shut up plenty of times or else i would shoot him(clear threat)
The reason was i knew his friend was living inside regel #4. I even gives him a warning shot Tick:31650 But he still keep on talking. I give him another warning shot, cause he try to walk up the stairs. He does not seems afraid at any time? Remember im holding a loadet pistol at him.
Then finaly i get him outside, then he claims that he cant run Tick:32800.
Look at Tick:33000 then he suddenly can run with out any problems. Stall my rp again.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Start Tick:30000
well on the gp one sure i got my gun out as i was going to die i agree. now one the stairs you shot me as you told me to shut up which was silly and i followed you at all times. also it not stall rp saying i cant run its being smart trying to waste time to see if someone would help also where you did it it was in a public place as the guy upstairs heard you and also when you took me outside people would have been able to see if the server didn't have like 8 people on. and on the /me agenda you typed the first one for ammo and i gave you pots as that's all i have and you typed the gun one literally simultaneously so i did not see it and at the end of the mugging you were going to shot me which is not allowed if i give you my things and i quote 'well your fucked now' as i had nothing apart from the gun but i did not see the /me

my side of it-
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Well i told you plenty of time to shut up or else i would shoot, but u kept on talking thats why i shot you mate.
I did not mug you in a public place? why do u think i wasted so much time to get u to church?
But yes its kinda fail rp that you are not afraid of a guy holding a gun to you, and also that u claim u cant run?
When somebody gun point you, you have to do what they tell you to, and not bring up any lies about it.
Maybe you thinks its a smart idea, but you still stall the rp, cause you hope somebody will come to rescue you.

And what are you talking about? In the end of the muggin is was going to shot you??
First of all how would u know? Can u see into the future? and it would never happend, i really do my best not to break any rules wile muggin, and killing a guy after a fully muggin would be ban reason..
[DOUBLEPOST=1422457075,1422456033][/DOUBLEPOST]I know this was meant to be a prank but try watch this video
(i know its from a danish site) But start watching from 1:40 Then you can see real life reaction when somebody holds you on gun point!
You see how afraid thoses guys are? They do every thing he tell them to!
--I just think this is a very good example
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Under Consideration

The demo is currently beeing or will be reviewed shortly.
The result of is pending.​
So let's start off by listing reaons:​
  • When being told to move under gunpoint, you walked in a different direction (incident happened twice)
  • After being shot to make you move, you still stalled in some points which is also against 3.4
  • After being searched for weapons, you did not drop your gun which breaks 3.26 and 3.4
  • You pulled a gun while being gunpointed.
So let's consider this as:

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