Ban Request D3V

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Reaction score
England, Norfolk
Your Steam/In-game Name Death Howl/ James Anders
His/Her Steam/In-game Name D3V/ Gary Belinsky
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:75742188
Reason: Fear rp, Pulling a weapon at gun point

The situation should be at the end of the demo also watch when the kidnapping happens please. Times are not known I'm not expert to demos.

If this is the wrong demo please say so and i will change it.
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Gary didn't break 3.4 he hopped out of the car while you were distracted and got behind the car (cover) and got his gun out. Then he started shooting you while you were being distracted. Also at the moment you were aiming the gun at Michael Boyle (Sdac2) I belive.
I saw D3V's demo and i can say he was not at gunpoint, his friend was, btw i think the way you decided to act wasn't the best, your friend started a conversation and maybe it could still could end good as it was going, or maybe not since the hostage was screaming like a little girl. This is just my idea and it probably won't count very much since i'm not a staff member, btw i still wanted to tell you my point of view about what did i see
I have looked at what happened myself and I have decided that yes I was ditracted and awaiting backup sorry for the little waste of time I was upset about how pathetic the police were.

Please close this someone.
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