Ban Request - Demo situation

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Hayden
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: **
His/Her SteamID: **
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Evidence (Demo Required):

I was required to upload the demo/video of the situation
Others involved will comment below their stories I cant remember some of it
So please dont say template etc!

Involved people
A few others
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First of all, i was the SS, and i was talking to the LT about an officer passing a red light at intersection almost crashing into the mayors limo. If you want the SWAT to be banned for 11.11, then you should be also banned for that, as you also opened fire at the car. In my opinion you should of stayed in the PD.
In the end I personally think it was a massive miscommunication between the police force and everyone was saying different stuff across radio and "OOC: Deputy Brad Bonnet Incly name: Jeffery" got stuck in the middle of the sit. yes deputy did call for swat to shoot then swat reverse because then they heard it was only a drive away then went back? then this is when it gets messy at 1:14 a unknown voice said "he's the murderer, he's the murderer" so then Duputy repeated it (yes he said he admitted to saying it on the admin roof @Sdac2 But after watching this video he also said at that point he got confused and repeated what the unknown voice said) After that swat requested permission to shoot at 1:18 then they got permission from sgt because the sgt thought he was the murderer at that point. Then after that some "John Doe" said he endangered mayors life in chat but I think he was talking about Jeffery so no way to be sure so that's where another mix up happened I think, And that's why Jeffery AKA Duputy repeated he threatened the mayor in this mix up. And at the end is where @Sdac2 got shot.

Now I would like to say who ever was the mayor at the time please provide in another BR the officer skipping red light aka "Deputy Brad Bonnet Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63800005 Incly name jeffery" that can be dealt with separately.

In the end Guys i think this was a complete miscommunication and I don't think in the end anyone is to blame tbh I think Sdac should get a refund and that's it Most of the people are marked as john doe anyway so yea......

In the end me and Daymon both agreed to close this and @Sdac2 should get a refund.
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