Ban Request - Luke Person

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Deleted member 1235

Your Steam/In-game Name: The Duffy / Sam Duffy
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Luke / Luke Person
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:7218412
Reason:Complete fail RP as the actions he did would not be committed by a real LT arguing with the Mayor. Bit hard to define the exact rule but note it down as an Invalid raid on the mayors office, arresting the mayor (resulting in his demotion as well as the SS) without a valid reason and then leaving the mayor in the interrogation room for over 10 minutes (In which he still didn't come and "Interrogate me" in which I had been deprived of any RP whilst he left me to go join a raid.

3.3 (Realistic Actions) In no circumstance did I pose a threat and the fact that the LT decided it was necessary to raid city hall for such a minor incident as apparently "Misusing the police radio" is ridiculous and even laughable. A LT Irl would Never do this.

5.4 Prolonged detainment, being detained without any progress in the RP situation and without him even mentioning that he will be coming soon.

This is quite lengthy so sorry for the long read.

Right so it started during a meeting I had with a new organisation called "The Californian Republic". During our meeting we heard gunshots from the mayors office (I was the mayor) and initiated our panics and locked the door awaiting police response. During this lock down of my office one of the fellow people I was talking to (Garry Moffat) dialled 911 to report the shooting at city hall. After the meeting had ended and security was assured everyone left whilst Garry asked if he could talk to me quickly. I agreed and Garry told me that when he phoned 911 the LT (Luke Person) Told him to "Fuck off, the shots weren't at city hall and to not waste the police time".

After hearing this complaint about the LT I asked him to come to my office (I had currently suspended his entrance to the City Hall as he had done the same to me for the PD as officers were complaining he was AFK and I threatened action would be taken if he didn't respond (IC I said Sleeping).

Anyway the LT said he could not respond as he was on duty, in which I gave him permission to come off duty for a short duration of time so that he may discuss the situation and come to a swift easy resolution. This did not go down well and after numerous attempts to get through to him he stated that I was not above him in any way possible, despite the fact I have the ability to control his pay-check and even demote him.

Anyway to cut a long story short two officers came to my office and told me to stop mis-using the government radio in which I replied it is just as much my right to use it as it is for the police. Some time had passed and I had set a 15 minute timer (Irl time) for the LT to finish what he was doing and respond to the office. He refused and I later receive a text from the LT stating that I am under arrest.

Before I know it the whole police force and SWAT team barge into my office, arrest and remove not only my SS but also Garry who had made the original complaint against the LT. When the LT came into my office he began to read some completely made up laws which Cannont be found in the law book i said down voice chat (Whole police and SWAT would've heard) "State the law number in which I am being charged with". The LT completely ignores this, I am then demoted by an admin (For the arrest obviously) then led away under SWAT escort to the interrogation room in which the LT leaves me for over 10 minutes and decides to go join in a completely different RP situation thus ruining my whole RP experience.

Supposedly the official reason for my arrest stated in OOC by stomper was 11.0. (Still no reason IC) However I feel the Luke needs to be held accountable for his actions and words he said to my citizens of the city. The threat of demotion was meant as a reason to get the LT to the office quicker. However he decides that as soon as the time is up he will have me arrested instead in order to preserve his job.

If additional info is required let me know and I will try and explain or find evidence for it.
(Screenshots are to give those who are unable to download the demo a valid chance to comment on the BR to judge its authenticity etc)!5RI2XQ6b!vbSm_yeK9qoO39q9AdO7KFtN3c1YCw4VYxIGOsJWjbY
The demo is only needed to provide some basic evidence as well as the final raid by the LT so I shall note down the important ticks

: Garry tells me about the complaint he has on the LT via voice chat
28000: Two officers come upstairs after orders by the LT to order me to stop using my radio, I then explain i am allowed and If the LT had just responded then it would've been over.
35700: The LT and his whole Police force raid my office and states that I am under arrest (Even though no official arrest warrant was ordered)
44695: My 10 minutes of standing rp being in which the LT abandons the RP situation completely and goes joining in a raid.

It's also worth nothing that during my time experiencing Luke as the LT he constantly has conflicts with the mayor and I have seen things ranging from him shooting the mayor point blank in public infront of the PD for demoting him with a valid reason (Which I may post a different BR tomorrow if I can find the Demo) as well as the mayors SS being shot down by the LT.

It is worth noting that the Mayor runs the city, but in my eyes when Luke is LT he feels he does.
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I was a police officer when this whole episode happened.

I actually think I might be the trigger for this whole thing to go down, as I was asking for the Lt. which didn't reply my requests. I went to see him at his office, but that was guarded by a Thomas George and Melanie something (forgot last name(names are in-game). They told me he wasn't afk, but in a business meeting. After roughly 10 minutes irl I asked for the Lt. to respond again (without he said a word the whole time). He did not respond after these 3-5 minutes and therefore I told the Mayor that our Lt. was afk'ing (something like sleeping in-game) He then gave the Lt. his first warning, and after roughly the Lt. answered and said he wasn't afk, he was just in his office doing things(I saw him walk out of there after roughly 15 minutes after my first request. He then banned the Mayor from coming to the PD and the Mayor did the same for him at the city hall as well.

The Lt. kept walking around with George as 2nd in command, and Melanie for some time as well. That means he kept 2 officers from paroling, for his own "protection". They ran around and gave orders, and the Lt. refused to respond to cases/situations where he was needed because he was "busy" with doing whatever he wanted to.

I then took a break from the PD because of the stupid rules. And went paramedic for a while. Luke called me to an emergency, and I told him I was busy with another at that moment (I was). When I got there he told me he didn't like me as a person.
After a while I decided to join the PD to see if the situation was better, but it wasn't. When he saw I joined the PD he asked me to meet him at the PD parking lot. I went there and he told me he would do anything he could to find a reason to demote me, because he didn't like me, for being on the mayors side. I went paroling because I was a cop, and then a FF called in, that a orange car almost ran him down and asked for the PD to come and get his story. No one answered first time, so he repeated it 2-3 times with a minute or twos space between each, he than told the FF that since he begged like he did he would be on the bottom of Luke's list of duties to perform. I said I would drive down there to hear the story of the FF. I did, and Luke came to me at the FD and asked me what I was doing. I said I was responding to his call of assistance as we should as PD. Luke then told me to drive to PD and only stay inside the PD, and he would do anything to make my life as painful as he could (already was).

All the officers at that time was friends of Luke (by the look of it) because they obeyed any stupid order he gave, and made it a hell to the citizens at that time, as they were strict.

It's a long text, no evidence as demos or screenshot(didn't think about it at that time) But that's my side of the story, and I felt like Luke targeted with his friends in the PD and SWAT, because whatever I did I was told to fuck off and leave them alone. The swats talked did also talk about practising breaching, but when I told them about rule 4.5 they got mad, and said I was a rule shark, and to leave them alone, because it was none of my business. I did, and afterwards they trained (as instructed by the admin at that time, after a discussion about 4.5) They said that it was how they planned to do it the whole time, but when they were talking about it at the PD parking lot, it was a whole different story, so they lied to the admins as well, but once again I can't prove it (they were using mic).

I know this might not help anything, but I really wanted to share my side as well, as I don't feel well treated by any of the friends of Luke. Nor the admin at that time, because he said it was totally fine.

*Forgot to add that Luke was Lt. for several hours (which is fine) but he kept on doing his "bad cop" styled Lt, which kinda destroyed my RP, because I do only do Gov. jobs when I'm on, and whatever job I joined Luke would look down on me..
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Don't get me wrong, Luke is probably one of the best cops on PH when he wants to be; on this day the same can unfortunately not be said. I'll fish through my demos because at one point when he was LT he told his officers that they should try their best to pull over the SS or something for 'even 1 traffic offense'.


EDIT: I will additionally find my demo for the following situation whereby Luke Person deployed the entire police force and SWAT team to my unarmed mini cooper for 'prank calling' - during said 'prank calling' I was reporting a legitimate emergency, but kept calling back when the 'line was busy' (he eventually started throwing verbal abuse into the equation too). He also discriminated the 'sweatervest' for being in my vehicle, who was detained and beaten to death even though he didn't make a single prank call.


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If there's anyone else who feels that Luke had acted in this way to them as well then I'd appreciate it of they could add their demo as well. This BR is only on Luke not his Sargent or anyone like that as I didn't encounter issues with them and they would have only been following orders. However I think its fair to say that yesterday Luke acted in possibly the most unprofessional way I'd ever seen a LT act
I might as well include this video of Luke:

It got him banned at first, but he somehow lied his way out of it, by saying I demoted him without a proper reason.
I was an officer at the time when we had arrested a man for killing the previous Mayor, Luke Person was the LT at the time and me and my partner Hulapyk were interigating the suspect. We had asked for the LT over 10 times and he didn't respond. After 10 minutes we had to let the suspect go.

There was also a situation where a speed enforcer (I think) asked the LT. something and Luke Persons responce was "Fuck Off" Although I do not have any screenshots I can back up Hulapyk.

- I wasn't there when this matter happened though. Just the suspect.
I'm just going to delete this post, since it contributes nothing to the ban request itself. If you guys have issues with someone or something, open a new threat somewhere else on the forum. This isn't the place to discuss such things that slanders half the staff team.
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Yes, just to add this evidence to the stream of posts (credit to Alex Zaiger)

EDIT: Here is the video of Luke. I will upload a demo if necessary.
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The police force is shit to be honest. There is always 1 cop who ruins a great moment. This is another reason why the police force should be whitelisted.

Nowhere in the rules or laws does it state that the Mayor holds the right to relieve the Lieutenant of his duties nor has the right to threaten disciplinary action unless the Lieutenant has failed to perform his duties:

The Mayor and/or the Police Lieutenant may only demote another player from a job if they believe that the player(s) has not properly performed their duties

(The Lieutenant's duties can be found under Law 11.0)

Therefore your threats of demotion towards him were unjustified.

Regarding your detainment and demotion from Mayor; Luke's intentions were to arrest you for falsely ordering that he gave up his duties and responded to your office, in doing so attempting to restrict his ability to perform his duty as The Police Lieutenant. However, there is no law to back up this detainment, only a rule (4.10) but to my understanding a member of staff gave permission for the situation to be dealt with In-Character by means of arrest not OOC demotion.

Lastly, if you were detained for a prolonged amount of time it was not Luke's intention as he had ordered his LEOs to release you.

I ordered his release after I deemed I would be unable to reuturn to Pd within an appropriate amount of time
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