Luke Person (Lieutenant) Ban request.

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] Alexai.

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Luke Person.

His/Her SteamID: Didn't catch it.

Reason: Random demotion/ Possible RDM; Randomly warranted.


The officer wanted to originally interogate me for apparently using illegal weaponry in public, althought all S.W.A.T have their guns out when standing near the PD. At 0:22 he pulls out his pistol and aims it at me, my reaction being that I do the same, and point my weapon at him. What happens next is he shoots me a couple of times, I shoot him back once or twice as you can see in the video using my colt .45. He then demotes me for no reason, he has been pointing a weapon at me and I pulled out mine and he shot me repeatedly. He then requests a warrant on me, and as you can see in the video shortly after being demoted and respawned, he runs back to the city hall, and shortly after this he puts me under arrest for a decade @Ben Lockwood was a witness, he was one of the officers.
I find it really wierd that you would have the pistol in your hand infront of 2 officers in a public setting since you'r a swat agent you already fully protected by your kevlar. The demo doesnt show that much. It just shows that you weren't actually willing to put your gun down nor listening to the lieutenant. Swat's duties are simple responding to emergencies. You shouldnt be idling around with your pistol in defensive stance. The swat team has to be prepared for anything at any time that's why they tend to stay at the swat truck in order to respond to situations as soon as possible.


The demotion wasn't random, You weren't even listening to the chief..
It wasnt rdm neither, it was just bad roleplay from your side. One does not simply walk around with weapons outside of pd. Swat agents tend to stay down at the truck not on the sideway in public, there's no need for showing off you'r weapons to the citizens.
The warrant wasn't random neither, since they were looking to get you into jail cause of your acts.

Anyhow, the jail sentence was probably a little harsh.

Minor edit since i found out that he was working as swat.
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After he told you to holster your pistol you started aiming at him.
You were surrounded by like 5 other officers, this seems more like breaking fearrp on your end.
Watched your demo twice.

In my opinion you cannot be holding a gun in passive stance in a public set. Also your job is not to be in the front of the PD (4.5) so this means that you cannot be holding weapons in passive stance on a public set. Anyways the LT (Luke Person), was just going to take you to the interrogation room, and possibly he would only tell you to don't walk with a gun in a public set (this excludes emergency situations).

Then he pulled a gun at you, he was just to scare not to shoot you, because he wouldn't have reasons to shoot you for only having a gun in passive stance. Then you said: "shortly after being demoted and respawned", you didn't got respawned you got revived, and you must notice that there is a big difference between getting respawned and revived. However you got revived which means, you will keep remembering everything you did, and it stills you! In another words you will pay the crimes that you committed. So pretty much he demotes you (which you got respawned, that always happens when someone is demoted). And they went there to arrest you, no problem with that.

However for what I can see you also broke 4.5 because the rule says: (SWAT Officers must remain within the Police Department [...]), this means that you cannot stay in front of the PD (at least is what I can see from the demo, that you were outside the PD especially with a weapon in passive stance). Then you broke fearrp, because you had 3 officers (1 in your front, and 2 in your back), you decide to pull a gun at the LT, which means the other 2 officers in the back would have killed you. You broke 3.4 and 3.6. (Risked your own life (3.4), and risking your life you died (3.6).)


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Instead of accepting the demotion and RP'ing it out rather than Luke just clicking the button in the menu and you being teleported you decided to pull a gun on your LT whilst 4 officers had guns around you.
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