Ban request Miley Blaszczykowski

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Leffe / Jesse Djossen

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: --- / Miley Blaszczykowski

His/Her SteamID: Steam_0:0:6003289

Reason: Broken rules : 1.4 / 2.1 / 3.3 / RDM I was inside my shop helping costumers then a red car came and random throwed a molotov inside the shop and a few seconds later again.

Evidence: 19-48-16.dem

Time/Tick: 14:09 / 28022
Despite the fact that I wasn't there. I still feel that it I should clarify that Hitmen Royale and The Belinsky Family are currently at war.

We found out IC that you and two other members are indeed members of Hitmen Royale. Which is why we have been "pestering" you all day.

Now I see that a lot of people do get banned from Molotoving a shop and others don't. We was giving information by an Admin that if there is a realistic RP reason to commit this crime then it can be tolerated. Which I believe that there is sufficient RP reason for us to do so as we are aware that you are a member of the Organisation and we was aware you owned a shop. (But I'll leave the final verdict to an Admin).

- Dave Davidson (Bullyreece)
Just to clarify, two organisations being 'at war' doesn't mean that you can just RDM each other in the street. You still need a valid reason to be Molotivng and killing. Being 'at war' isn't a sufficient reason to molotov someone's store, the person you are molotoving has to have done something to you in their/your current life that gives a good enough reason for you to trash their store.
I also want to accord to the rule number 2.5 Excessive Negativity - Generally speaking, players are not allowed to excessively negatively affect the experiences of other players while playing on the server. For example, destroying a number of valuable items in a store should only be done under certain circumstances, and more so as a last resort; specifically, reasons such as product prices, a ‘basic’ distaste towards someone within the store, grossly disproportionate methods to quell competition, etc, are not typically acceptable. He can't just trow a molotov when you did nothing to him.
Yeah I wasn't even there so I can't really bring any more evidence to defend Miley. i was just assuming that they did something after the execution event which lead to this; my bad.
ArnoldGerkin said:
In this case the molotov was completely unnecessary. I understand that the Belinsky's and Hitmen Royale are at war but prior to this event the Belinsky's kidnapped and killed 3 of your members. Being at war is completely allowed, but not to the point where it is ruining other player's RP to the point where they feel the need to make a ban request. This is under rule 2.5 - Excessive negativity.

Did you lose any items because of this incident? If so then please leave a comment on this post listing what you have lost.
so true, luckly the admin turned off the fire on time so we all our items got saved
MoronPipllyd said:
Just to clarify, two organisations being 'at war' doesn't mean that you can just RDM each other in the street. You still need a valid reason to be Molotivng and killing. Being 'at war' isn't a sufficient reason to molotov someone's store, the person you are molotoving has to have done something to you in their/your current life that gives a good enough reason for you to trash their store.
so true Miley had no reason I was the hole time in the shop
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