Ban request on 3 people

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MoronPipllyd said:
-Support, They raided a normal household. They weren't to know it was secret service in there, as you gave no indication. If you expect not to be raided and killed as part of a raid If I were you I'd stay in the city hall.
They knew I was mayor but they just shot me, they should of RP'ed it A LOT better.
-Support, during a raid people get shot, regardless of who is inside, sure I agree that they should've knocked you out or something, but regardless, during a raid you shoot people inside, as the SS had his gun out, it was completly fair to shoot, as RE9741 said, if they didn't want to get raided, they shouldn't have gotten a house and stayed in city hall, the mayor isn't exempt from the usual way that raids work just because he's a mayor, he should be treated as anyone else during a raid.
Lets start off with if you guys do raid a property don´t you look who is inside or if its worth the risk of being caught ? Because you can´t tell that you just go around the neighborhood raiding people without actually knowing if its worth the risk of being captured by the Police. However shooting the Mayor is technically not okay due the fact that you could have used him in order to get away from the scene without having a massive firefight with the arriving Police/Swat Officers. But this is not the first time situations like this happens it most of the times has always something to do with players just going on a killing spree because they are bored or whatnot.
We looked inside, we just saw plane clothed guys which turned out to be undercover ss. we COULD of used him, even you said it, we didn't, we killed him, i repeat, he'd just seen us murder his protection, if we let him get away he would of told and we would of got a life sentance.
+ Support Dolan break many rules and he needs a punishment to learn from what he did.
DrAntiMinge said:
+ Support Dolan break many rules and he needs a punishment to learn from what he did.
Dolan didn't break any rules in this demo.
Steve Jhonson is very trigger happy, As i type this he has just shot me and puma because I pulled him over, lot's of officers were there too.
SenlinGames said:
Steve Jhonson is very trigger happy, As i type this he has just shot me and puma because I pulled him over, lot's of officers were there too.
First get the reason why he shot you.
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