Ban Request

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Hyhhh8/Vitus Brutus
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Evil/Viktor Belinsky
His/Her SteamID: U:1:38981959
Reason: Broke 3.4, by risking his freedom due to shooting and killing me in the middle of the street without a straight valid reason. Viktor claimed it was due to a threat I had made which was only "watch your back". Though this seems unrealistic to shoot for this reason or at least doing it in the middle of a street.

Secondly, he randomly pulled out his gun and then took it away, which seems ridiculous for someone to do. Please note, before I posted I checked with MoronPipllyd to make sure I was not wasting anyone's time and that an offence was caused.

Evidence: tick: 42600 link:
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After you and two other men gathered outside my home, me and my men came out, to see what you were up to. After a lengthy conversation you walked off. One of my men (Grey) asked if he should pursue you, to which I jokingly replied "Yes, kill him", unfortunately he took is seriously and ran down the road after you. Realising what he was about to do me, and the rest of the family sprinted down the road to you, we informed Grey that he was not to kill you. At this point, it was over and done with - Me and my men turned around and proceed to walk back to our home. You followed, and stated something along the lines of how we shouldn't mess with you, which really wasn't needed. Under 3.4 and 3.3 you knew we were armed, and one of my men was already prepared to kill you so attempting to aggravate us was not a smart move (Should have thought about that one). I had been living on the street for a while and knew that not a single home was bought except mine, there was also little activity in the area. As a warning I pulled my Mp5 and pointed at you, as a warning - To suggest it would be in your best interests to leave the area and not make comments on how we shouldn't "mess with you". My men were practically surrounding us both at the time, to our left the house was un-owned, no one would have seen a thing. To our right stood my men, even if there were to be someone stood across the road (Which there wasn't) there view would be obscured by all my men around us. At this point you know we're armed, you know I'm armed, I've pointed a gun at you - Under rules 2.1, 3.3, and 3.4 you should have been scared for your life and so swiftly left the area. However you disregarded this and continued to stay with us. It was at this point you spoke the phase "You better watch your back" which is clearly a threat, a threat on my life. I take threats very seriously. By this time, you'd seen we had weaponry, we'd pointed said weaponry to you, and also angered you. Upon leaving you could have contacted the PLPD and had us raided and so killed/arrested (As in: You'd seen too much, which you wouldn't have done by waiting outside our hose for an extended amount of time) therefore by killing you, one man, I was ensuring that you could not inform on us, meaning we wouldn't have to fight off the entire PLDP, one man instead of 6 (Including SWAT). You had also made a threat on my life, and in my line of work IG a lot of people want me dead, so consequently I don't take threats lightly. Due to both these reasons I deemed it to necessary to kill you to avoid harm/death to both my and all of my men.

"Broke 3.4, by risking his freedom due to shooting and killing me in the middle of the street without a straight valid reason. Viktor claimed it was due to a threat I had made which was only "watch your back". Though this seems unrealistic to shoot for this reason or at least doing it in the middle of a street."

I have explained my actions fully, and the ways in which I carried out the killing (As in: ensuring and knowing of activity in the area, and homes at that time being owned) I have explained that by letting you live, I risked endangering the lives of everyone there and so rather than have my men fight off the PLDP killing you was much easier. I have also explained that if you had simply walked off once I informed my men I was joking, you wouldn't have been killed. If you had walked off (under 2.1, 3.3, and 3.4) when I pointed a gun at you, you wouldn't have been killed. Practically you forced me to kill you by not leaving. Once you were dead, we also did our up most best to ensure your body was well hidden and so would not be found, this enforces the statement I made about killing you being for our own protection. If I had killed you simply for the sake of killing you (As you stated I have) I would have shot you, and simply left. However we made the effort to first finish you and then ensure you would not be found - To protect us.

In response to Peritoz's comment:

  • My men are prepared to kill if I tell them to, as they know I will not put them in a position in which they could risk punishment. However, this question is irreverent to the reasons of the ban request, so I don't really know why you're asking that
  • If you read what I stated in my previous message it would be quite evident why I placed a gun to you. Also would you not agree a fully automatic 9mm SMG placed to your head is not a warning?, surely you would have been scared - Especially if you were 'supposedly unarmed'. Which means really you should have just left (2.1, 3.3 3.4)
  • You made a threat on my life, and a general threat, these are blunt threats. I don't care if you're carrying a Barret 50 of a baseball bat - A threat is a thread, unarmed or armed. Also you use 'supposedly' to state I didn't know you were armed, therefore I believed you were carrying a weapon.
  • You could have bought a house near by yes. However, you didn't, and if you did you I can assure you I would have known. Also if its your house, there would be no one watching, as you'd be stood where you were stood. I don't think an empty house would call the police.
Please take the time to read what I actually stated and question me on valid points. These questions are for the most part irreverent to your initial statements and ban request. As for the question(s) which are not irreverent the answers can be found in my initial message. I suggest you actually read what I put and then things may appear slightly clearer.

As of now I'm off, I wont be back until around 10 am GMT, feel free to ask more questions (Please make them relevant to the initial ban request - And make sure the answers are not clearly displayed in my previous message).
Evil, you literally pulled out a weapon and didn't say anything, and I had no idea what you were doing. Then again, I want to push it further how I was barley a threat to you. Firstly, I was by myself at the time while you were with about ten men and again I was supposedly unarmed.

This is ridiculous, everyone makes threats and you cant just go around killing them and especially not just in the open. Then again, most people make bigger threats and what I said was completely non-aggressively put.

Finally, what you said about how if i bought a house you would know. This statement is completly not valid due to the point, that I could of bought a house and you were clearly not checking the streets when I came to your house.
  • You just stated you were by yourself, surrounded by ten men and were 'supposedly unarmed'. Therefore once a gun was placed to you, you should have feared for your life and swiftly left the area. As i keep saying, the only reason you died is because you kept moving with us despite the evident and clear threat on your life (FearRP - 2.1, 3.3, 3.4 which I keep mentioning but you don't explain why you stayed). Also, I don't care if there were 50 people around us, you only need one bullet to kill me, and you keep saying you were 'supposedly unarmed' however you were in fact, as it was later found out in the admin sit that you were carrying a silenced berretta (which had enough rounds to quite easily kill me) - You can't simply state you were 'supposedly unarmed' to assume it was RDM, if you make a threat on my life, I will do my up most best to ensure you are unable to carry out such threat, unarmed or armed, as I keep saying.
  • I had already been informed you were a member of 'The Preists of Paralake' an organisation we went to war with (And you seem to think it's not over). Jesse, a member of The Hitmen Royale was stood outside with you but left sooner. I had heard the Hitmen Royale had recently been recreated, therefore outside my house stood two people who were members of organisation we had been at war with. When you made the threat about not "messing with you" you are clearly stating that it would be in our best interests to leave you alone. You also proceeded to make a direct threat on my life. At this point, if I had let you leave you would have reported to your organisation and this would most likely lead to another war. Due to the economic state of the family currently, as war is not in our best interests. Therefore to avoid further conflict I killed you. As I have already stated (Twice) I also killed you due to you possibly reporting what you saw/I did to the PLDP, and also to ensure you did not carry out your threat. Pepitoz, can you think of a bigger threat than a threat on someones life? which is what you made, I can't see how saying "You better watch your back" can be said in a 'completely non-aggressive' manner. I would suggest in future not threatening people unless you fully intent to carry out said threat.
  • Do you suppose I gather all my information myself, if you do, you're very wrong Pepitoz. Clearly it would be impossible for to know about all the happenings in Paralake all the time, and so luckily my men are not idiots and so will inform me of anything I need to know about, such as people moving in near us. If people move in near us we need to check if they are enemies/allies to get ready to defend should a raid happen, so yes, I can assure you we would have know.
What I want to know Pepitoz is:
  • Why did you not leave when a fully automatic 9mm SMG was placed to your head, and you were also surrounded by 'around 10 men'. Surely this would have made you scared for your life, and so under rules 2.1, 3.3, and 3.4 you should have swiftly left the area. Please explain your breakage of these rules
  • Why do you believe making a direct threat on someones life by saying "You better watch your back" is not aggressive? and how could anyone make a bigger threat?. Please explain this
  • Why are you asking about a house you bought, as I said, it would not matter if you bought it because the house was yours, meaning you live there. You were the one with a gun to your head, so no one was in the house watching.
Once again you have practically asked the same questions, despite my initial message containing the answers, and then the nice, organised, bullet pointed list I wrote out in answer to your questions. You could continue to ask the same questions continually and forever if you wish, however my answer will continue to be the same so I suggest you take the time to carefully read each bullet point as so you can understand my actions.
hmm, not really sure if that was rdm, I was there and i just want to say what happened, I hope it helps somewone.
I was driving around with Jesse at subs when he told me that he saw pepitoz and that there were a lot of guys there (belinskys) so when we arrived Jesse got out of the car and we just saw how pepitoz got shot, I didnt knew what really happened. But after that Evil started to shoot Jesse and me, so Jesse ran to the car and we drove away i dont know what pepitoz or evil said to each other :/
Request Denied

You clearly were outnumbered and had just had a gun pointed at you point blank yet you still decided to continue to pursue Evil. If you were armed or not it does not matter you were clearly not welcome there anymore and should have left area and either called the police or taken other action. There was no need to stay around there and especially to approach the man who had just pointed a gun at you. You did say something (demos do not save the clients own voice communication) which is consistent with story above and could have been a threat (I cannot tell for sure but you do not dispute that you threatened him) which, in my opinion, gave Evil a valid reason to take the action he did given the circumstances.
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