Ban request

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] Prepper / Bob Nixon

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Typical / Mark Jenkins
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100272434

Reason: User went up to the mayor as he inspected the Police Department. User then confronted the mayor with the sales taxes. As most real life politicians would have done the mayor simply said that he'd look into it (he made no promises). We went straight back to the City Hall by Mayor's request and he then lowered the sales taxes. Once the Mayor including his 2 Secret Service Agents went outside the entrance to City Hall shots were fired at the mayor. The Secret Service Agents then quickly reacted by positioning themselves in the line of fire. However, both Secret Service Agents, including the Mayor, began to bleed due to gunshot wounds. The Mayor was then brought to a relatively safe location, his office. Fortunately the mayor had a bandage and he survived the assassination. Both of his Secret Service agents bled to death.


At the time the user requested the mayor to lower the sales taxes they were approx. 28-30% (according to Typical). User claimed that the sales taxes were affecting his business despite the default salex tax when there's no mayor is 25%. I cannot see how it can be justified to kill someone due to 4-5% sales tax above average. In fact the mayor did actually grant user's wish and shortly after the attempted assassination the sales taxes were approx. 10%.





The Mayor said he would lower it, when Mark asked for 0% the Mayor said maybe, when the Mayor lowered it Mark was ready to kill the Mayor even before he knew what the Mayor changed them to. Also how did he miss the first shot to his head haha.
The mayor was being very reasonable by lowering the taxes so in my opinion Typical broke the rules by killing him for not setting the taxes to 0%. Typical sniped the mayor even though the mayor had just reduced the taxes and Typical didn't even know to what the taxes would be set at.

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