Ban request

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Momo/Max Zaiger
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Smushie(thats what people told me)/Salmar Williams
His/Her SteamID: Unknow
Reason: RDM, and 3.4 puting her life at risk by killing me when the officer had here under gunpoint.

She knew the officers were there (unless she had no sound, but still that's not allowed as it would be breaking Rule 2.7), yet she still killed you for no reason. Also she clearly didn't abide by the orders when under gunpoint, therefore breaking 3.4 as you stated above.
@Smushie you might want to see this.
Saw it :3
T'was accidental since I play on lappie and touchpad went off, and I get lag spikes from my internet
I can't hear half of the in-game voice chat
but I'm alright with the ban request, you gotta do what you gotta do :3
Clear +support
No sane person would kill someone with two cops right next to them. Especially not if they have a weapon aimed at them. Not only would that person risk death, but also a life in prison if they were to be stopped/revived after becoming unconscious.
RDM is a different case. Did the person have a reason to kill you, or even aim a weapon at you at all? If there was no actual reason for it, then it's RDM for sure.
I will put my +Support for the following reason.

- You were raiding them and the cops came, They came behind you and were screaming LOADS of times ''Get on the ground'' ''Drop the gun now!'' You're at gunpoint'' etc
- You didn't pay any attention to anything else than this person *'As i can see on the video'* because now if you would have listened to the police officers you wouldn't have been killed.
- In this point you decided to shoot this person 3 times in the head and right after you got killed. At this point you broke (3.4).

And aswell, if you have ''Bad Lags'' then this game isnt the best game to play if you now do mistakes like this. And another one don't play on a Laptop since it just made you kill this person without any reason. (RDM)

I have already talked to you about this in TeamSpeak but i still want you to get a punishment for what you have done. As i said YOU really need to read the rules to be able to play because this is one of the reason you should read the rules.

This ban request will be accepted as it's clear that rules were broken by this individual meaning that she will be punished accordingly. Rules 2.1 and 3.4 were broken in this case as there was failure to follow commands at gunpoint several times throughout the situation then resulting in her own death. The reason to as why rules were broken were insufficient and were not valid, therefore the user will be banned from the server for 1 week, as a result of rule breakage.
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