Bank robbery

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Deleted member 3131

Description of the idea: Rule 2.1 states "play realistically", the bank robbery unlike (and alike) other things is not realistic at all.
My idea is simple, to encourage passive RP, negotiations and realisitc actions, anyone robbing the bank should not be allowed to run outside, flank (literally some times camp PD).
To make it practically work it should happen like this: An area (like the NLR zone) is added to the bank, if you leave the bank before the vault cracker has cracked open the vault you get respawned and kicked out the bank robbery.

Why should this be added? (pros): This way you wouldn't have people spreading PANIC across the WHOLE city (which is unrealistic unless paralake is syria). You would encourage RP, negotiations, police forming an actual perimeter around the bank like they used to and so on, just like in a real life scenario.

this would also balance out the odds for PD vs CRIMINALS, when you have 6+ people raiding the bank and maybe ONE or two TFU.

What negatives could this have? (cons): people will deem this unfair... of course taking away a great advantage from someone is always "unfair". But to be honest this should encourage coordination between the civilians, defending the bank is an easy task.

*Other additions: N/A

*Images: 1601069074329.png 1601069164353.png
Rule 2.1 states "play realistically", the bank robbery unlike (and alike) other things is not realistic at all.

Most bank robberies that happen irl don't even have a direct SWAT response to them at all because police don't know they're happening. In the event of silent alarms, most "successful" bank robberies are "won" IRL through use of hostages, incognito getaway cars, and other methods that would not be possible on PERP due to rules and gameplay constraints and limitations.

Winning a bank robbery as an officer should be the same as it would be for the robbers, it should require tactics, planning, coordination and SKILL.
To make it practically work it should happen like this: An area (like the NLR zone) is added to the bank, if you leave the bank before the vault cracker has cracked open the vault you get respawned and kicked out the bank robbery.
This is already a thing except for the surrounding area of the bank, and it doesnt respawn you. I can already see issues with this:
- Bank robber is about to die, and doesn't want to lose gun
- He just bhop sprints out of the bank, and is respawned with his gun and no warrant.

Winning a bank raid is a matter of skill for both sides, and should remain that. This idea would simply just turn bank robberies into cops shooting fish in a barrel.

Lets go over why the inside of the bank isn't the best place for the robbers to be:

Main area:
Desks you can crouch behind but rifle shots penetrate it, also, if you walk whilst crouching behind the counter, your entire head and part of your shoulders become visible, making evading more precise officers slightly harder, especially since your view model doesnt change when crouch walking, making it so you cant actually see the officers shooting you. On top of this, you can be shot from any angle, including above, if you hang around this area. CCTV Camera also strategically placed allowing dispatchers to spot you with ease.

Pre vault room:
Large spacious room with paper thin walls that any gun, even shotguns and pistols, can penetrate. Lack of cover except the indent for the vault area. CCTV Camera also strategically placed allowing dispatchers to spot you with ease.

Spacious and kind of easy to defend despite minimal cover once inside, however, you can only be in this room for a few minutes before you get sealed inside indefinitely.

Foremans office:
Completely wallbangable from the outside, semi decent cover behind the desk however due to that being the only form of cover, its easy for cops to preaim that spot expecting someone to be there. CCTV Camera also strategically placed allowing dispatchers to spot you with ease if using the foremans desk as cover.

Only real cover on the roof is the pillars for the monorail. The bank sign is wallbangable entirely and only offers visible obstruction which gives off an illusion of cover for lesser experienced players. In reality, is very easy to wallbang a suspect using it as cover through.

this would also balance out the odds for PD vs CRIMINALS, when you have 6+ people raiding the bank and maybe ONE or two TFU.

Any good TFU will at least thin the herd of bank robbers under most circumstances. TFU Already have huge advantages over criminals that it saddens me to know that they either aren't using or blatantly fail to realise.

Bank robbers are currently, always have been, and hopefully always will be allowed to push the cops that are shooting at them, flank them from unexpected angles, and remain outside of the bank maintaining a reasonable distance in order to get the upper hand on criminals.

This idea would just make the bank raids TOO easy for cops in the sense that it would become a meta to know 100% to expect resistance only in direct eyeshot of the bank and nowhere else.

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