Bat Into Hell

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Your in-game name: Jack Blane, Aayon Salahuddin, Tony Laung

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:93585893

What do you need refunded:
Me - USP 40, USP 40 Mag, 1/3 of 140,000 (46,666.66)
Aayon Salahuddin - SCAR w/ various attachments (post them, Patch), 1/3 of 140,000 (46,666.66), some shotgun i cant identify
Tony Laung - 1/3 of 140,000 (shotgun provided by Aayon)

Why do you want your item(s) refunded:
Guns are expensive, we got the money fair and square, he broke 3.4. We easily would've made it away without him doing what he did.


Tick: N/A
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You receive a tiny cut of what you steal after its laundered. E.G ill look at my last bank rob, stole 1.5 million. My cut was 26k. Depending on how many cops were on which it doesn't look like a lot by @nutrient10 you'll receive a lot less. You stole 1/10th of this with less cops on duty so I guess you'd be lucky to get 10k.
When you went into the hospital you where shot, you didn’t die from blood loss. Your screen would’ve went more white
The bleeding issue could have been super easy to fix, had you just went directly to the emergency reception instead of going all the way around.
Not being funny but it is your guys fault that you shot eachother. Also you where getting lit up when you left
Couldn't he have just shot at you and killed you that way?
The bleeding issue could have been super easy to fix, had you just went directly to the emergency reception instead of going all the way around.
We were very unlikely to be injured if the officer didn’t break 3.4 and run in with a bat and run around like a spastic and start hitting us, there was two cops left, one being the cop that broke 3.4 and another one being the cop off that was in the hospital who would of not managed to kill all 3 of us if the officer didn’t break 3.4 subsequently causing our health to be much much lower

Buy a few bandages before you rob the bank next time.
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