Battlefield 1

Reaction score
Well guys! We finally got what we all wanted! The Battlefield 1 BETA.

Don't have it yet? Click here!
You need Origin for this, it is a non-steam game at the moment.

I haven't played it yet but I am currently downloading it and will edit this post with a few screenshots and stuff.

Give me your opinion about the game, I am pretty curious.
Overall the game is amazing. Its very intense and im surprisingly better in the air than I am on the ground. I got 10 kills with the front gunner on the Bomber and 2 on the ground. Need to get used to the old weapons.
My overall impression has been meh to be honest...
It's okay but overhyped in my opinion!

Also @HolyShititsDannyD has a lot to say about this game ;D xx
I've played it since 30th of August (I'm an insider) and I think they've done a pretty nice job, I like shooting my anti tank rifle at snipers and asking them "how do you like my sniper rifle"?. Also I once had a round when I had a light tank and got a 20 kill streak without dying once for the whole round.

My origin is BFErmakDimon

Armored train is op
"Non-steam game at the moment" , it not going to be on steam , bf never comes on steam
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"Non-steam game at the moment" , it not going to be on steam , bf never comes on steam
Oh really?

Please do some research before you start saying shit.
BF3 and 4 are not on it but they will eventually.
Oh really?

Please do some research before you start saying shit.
BF3 and 4 are not on it but they will eventually.
Lol , you made me laugh .... "They will eventually" ... and bad company doesnt mean bf3 , bf4 , bfh , bf1

Cheeky little edit from one shadowplay of footage from earlier. Game looks really good will probably pre-order this one.
Mhm - I know it's only a BETA but the map they chose is a bit meh. I think we have another Star Wars here - will be fun for a month or so but lack of content will make gameplay stale very quickly in my opinion. But we'll see...