Bayqon Corporations Applications

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Västervik, Sweden
Bayqon Applications


- How to apply -

Firstoff enter this website;
When you've done so make sure that you've all of its content. If you finished your reading simply click the apply button and it takes you to the next step, simply log onto your google account and fill in the forms.


- Golden Rules -

1. No mugging or raiding without promission from bosses/chiefs.

2. Bayqon Corporations does not want any enemys unless needed, Which means stupid act's will have consequences.

3. Stealing from our organisation will result in execution, Loyalty is what makes us a family. Break this rule and your forced to leave us.


- Requirements -
Since this organisation is mostly for car enthusiast you'll require a car. The car should be able to outrun cops, It's not required but it's probably best if it does.

In order to join need to have at least 4 days of playtime, If your edge to having it, we could still find a solution.


We do want evert one to use the Application on the website however, If you cant access it some how you could still apply in this thread.


*In Game Name:
*Steam Name:
*Firearms level:
*In Game phone number:
Previous organisations:
*Whats you best abillities:
Background story:


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