Bazaar Music Replacement

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Fife, Scotland
Topic: Bazaar Music REPLACEMENT

Short explanation (in notes):
- Will change the bazaar music to something people can actually enjoy, if not tolerate.

- Of course, there is only one other option...

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
The bazaar music is probably the most autistic thing in this community, making it a close contender with metagaming sweatervests.
I think we can all agree that Daler Mehndi's hit song 'Tunak Tunak Tun' is brilliant music, it has that Indian-Arabian-Bazaar shop feeling to it, and it's enjoyable, if not tolerable for people to listen to while they grind in their shop to make money.
This song is definately the best thing India has provided the rest of the world... fuck gahndi, right?

Of course, you do have the original choice, which consists of...


For hours on end.

Optional additions:
- Allow ear rape version to be toggled
I just setup a radio its not the same but on the plus side it livens up the atmosphere.

The bazaar lacks that atmosphere which was why it had ambient music I admit it was annoying constantly on a loop but it made the place less boring.

Prepare for downcount

Honest opinion, i would love to have bazaar music back. Just make it something longer, so we dont hear the same damn thing every 2 minutes.

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It's mexican but still amazing.
(I literally searched: GTA V Mexican song and I got this... lmao)
Or the remix.

Have like an option to either turn on or turn off the music at bazaar in the F1 options menu.
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