Be able to get the fire extinghuiser from a wall

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(Coudlnt find this in search, if it already exists im sorry.)


Be able to get the fire extinghuiser from a wall

Short explanation (in notes):
- Get a fire extinghuiser from a wall
- Abusing it , like the model says will result in a 500$ ticket
- To pick it up fire must be in a range.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Not everybody has or can buy a fire extinghuiser, and when there is a fire, for ex in bazaar. You should be able to equip one to extinguish it.

Optional additions:
- ONLY allow pickup when fire is in range.
Throw molotov at bazaar -> get 10 extinguishers -> sell extinguishers -> profit???

How would you prevent this from abusing it. Try to explain it a bit more
What about making meth? It causes a lot of explosions and let's say at Parker when someone is making meth a fire extinguisher wouldn't be at the wall since it's not in a public place.
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Anyone can thing of 100 reason of why not to have one, but then you could do with anything. I think this a brilliant idea, come on lets be honest, no one is ever a fire fighter, so having this would solve lots of problem,
Maybe have one on your wall however whenever you use the extinguisher it will take money from your bank, so you can grab it when you need it if your shop is on fire.