Beat Saber

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I've been getting really invested in Beat Saber this summer, and I thought I'd make a thread to try and show the game to everyone.

Beat Saber is a VR game, and it's basically what would happen if Guitar Hero used lightsabers instead of strumming. It's honestly my favourite game.
Also very good if you want to torture your arms

Here are some videos of me playing to demonstrate the game. Excuse me for using a weeb song.

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How do you even get custom songs in the game? I would love to add some other songs than the default ones that were added.
Will never beat this on Guitar Hero...
Had to watch the whole video because anyone that can do this is insane.
I've gotten a bit better at the game since I last posted, so I just wanted post an update.

Here's a video of me playing my new favourite map in the game:
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The band can barely perform this live on real instruments lmfao. Also this guys using the Van Halen controller with the tap pad, so he's technically cheating.
Is this basically just 21st century ribbon twirling made less gay because light Sabres and shit lmao