How your music tastes changed over the years

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How did your music tastes evolve as you grew up?

When I was really young I was a huge fan of Busted, These being one of my favourites:

I was also a fan of this song, because of course I was.

The music channel I'd check into to listen to busted, McFly and other 2000s pop rock bands changed to another programme, Idk if it was on that channel or if I switched, But I discovered Kiss, Twisted Sister, Alice Cooper, Aerosmith and Guns and roses. This prompted me to get my first electric guitar that Christmas at 8 years old, A shitty 3/4 guitar with a built in amp. (I broke a string and gave up til I was 14)

In year 6, I discovered rap songs. I was a 50 cent fan til towards the end of year 7.

Over the summer after year 7 ended, I became a huge fan of emo music.

In year 8, I became a massive fan of Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath. Metallica was also a big thing for me. I also became a huge Red Hot Chilli Peppers fan after the plane I was going to florida on was streaming their new album "I'm with you" in their music

I was also at this point a colossal Guns and roses and Motley Crue Fan. I also became a huge Jimi Hendrix fan alongside this, which prompted me to take up guitar again. Discovered Nirvana through Jimi Hendrix (Believe it or not).

Year 9 I got into all sorts of heavy metal, I also bought my first album, Rust In Peace by megadeth. This was the time in my life I started buying albums.

Year 10 was the same for me, I listened to Heavy Metal and Grunge. I dropped the Emo look and stopped listening to emo at this point.

Year 11 I committed fully to metal, and nothing else basically. Pantera, Slayer, Saxon, Blind Guardian, Metallica, Anthrax, Death, Havok, Megadeth, All I listened to from 15-16 was metal. If it wasn't Metal I wasn't interested. New Wave of British Heavy Metal was my particular favourite. All my walls were adorned with guitars and posters of metal bands and their albums and tour dates. I was an elitist too, No "Posers" allowed...

First year Of College I got into Gorillaz and primus but still stuck with metal mostly. Second year I was hardstuck on Thrash metal though.

Third year of College I got into Black Metal and death grips but still stuck with previously aforementioned genres of music too.

Now, I listen to all of these bands and more, still primarily a metal guy, But I'll listen to everything nowadays except country (Unless its Johnny Cash)
I still listen to almost anything except for heavy metal, techno or other annoying forms of music genre that'd give me tinnitus.

I got a decent-ish audio setup with my beyerdynamic DT-770 (some hate them lol) and Aria IEM's so I tend to listen to music even more now. My taste however recently caters more heavily towards J-Rock or J-Pop. It's literally the same as listening to Despacito, you don't know what the fuck they're singing but it's a fucking vibe. If you tell me anything else I murder you ok?

and yes I sometimes listen to German music
I still listen to almost anything except for heavy metal, techno or other annoying forms of music genre that'd give me tinnitus.

I got a decent-ish audio setup with my beyerdynamic DT-770 (some hate them lol) and Aria IEM's so I tend to listen to music even more now. My taste however recently caters more heavily towards J-Rock or J-Pop. It's literally the same as listening to Despacito, you don't know what the fuck they're singing but it's a fucking vibe. If you tell me anything else I murder you ok?

and yes I sometimes listen to German music
Bad Apple bangs.
I still listen to almost anything except for heavy metal, techno or other annoying forms of music genre that'd give me tinnitus.

I got a decent-ish audio setup with my beyerdynamic DT-770 (some hate them lol) and Aria IEM's so I tend to listen to music even more now. My taste however recently caters more heavily towards J-Rock or J-Pop. It's literally the same as listening to Despacito, you don't know what the fuck they're singing but it's a fucking vibe. If you tell me anything else I murder you ok?

and yes I sometimes listen to German music
What about... German rock!?
Rammstein exists in my playlist actually
Good good in that case here is a good song, link intentionally spaced out so Fredy doesn't see it understand what it means then beat me, but I do like the song a lot

Youtube stuff, video id: thJgU9jkdU4
biggest bangers 2022