Being Able to Delete Your Tooter Account

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La Cosa Nostra
Being able to delete your Tooter accounts.
Being able to see Followers / and people you follow.

Short explanation:
You can't delete your accounts currently, so if u have done your name wrong (have done any spelling wrong etc) you can't change it or delete it.

-Being able to delete your Tooter Account.

Detailed description:
I don't know if its only me who thinks like this, but I do think being able to delete your account should be an option really. Earlier today I kind of wrote 1/2 things wrong, and after I made the account I couldn't change it after so being able to delete your account would be great.

Optional additions:
None. Just post down below what u think about it.
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After the first day of Tooters release people have already started suggesting certain things, understandable as the application is a great feature but needs certain things to be added for the extra touch which I completely agree on and I most certainly want so time to go into
3kliksphilip mode

Obviously the Tooter application is amazing, I've heard a lot of people saying it's going to help the /advert function a ton and break down the so called "Fail adverts" as from my own 2 year experience in the community I've noticed a big change in the system, in the beginning of the server it was at a very bad level of it being taken serious where for example people would do adverts such as
I will bomb the fucking pd now if you dont give me my drugs stupid drug dealer
now in the beginning of V1 people started being more serious with their adverts and it was being administrated in a totally different way after a while and in the start of V2 pretty much every moderator+ can agree that the adverts got a lot worse again and people has since then been posting stupid adverts such as [DeepWeb] where they thought they were allowed to put basically anything just because of a stupid tag that they added to their adverts, now obviously we've all seen the [Twitter] adverts aswell where people pretty much did the same, I've seen pretty stupid Toots already such as
two cops hostages #JustLaCosaNostraThings
obviously those Toots are not allowed and they should not be anywhere but in if anything a 911 call, but looking into it from yesterday people have been more serious with their adverts and not been saying stupid shit except for one thing
I bet Hayden made that account
when someone started talking about their tooter account in the advert, but if we're not gonna bring that advert in then I would say the adverts are great from now, sadly guys I don't have a cool graph like 3kliksphilip, you will have to look at this graph instead

Now obviously back to the real point;

We all have to understand that this is the first step of Tooter and it's a really new and big thing, I think we all need to understand that there must be something against deleting accounts, obviously we all make mistakes when we make an account, you can contact one of the owners to delete your account if you've done something wrong with it. We can't just have it where you can make an account then delete it in my opinion as obviously this would cause problems such as people making an account
Make loads of toots then delete the account and make a new one and completely spam the shit out of tooter. So in my eyes this would cause a lot of useless spam, in my eyes we should keep it like it is now where you can ask an owner for it to be deleted.
I think the server needs this as it can often be annoying when you wan't to delete a certain account and you have to ask senior + to get your account deleted. I think a button in your settings where you can delete however you need to confirm after. This would also make it easier for senior staff.
+Support would like this as I did some shitty tooter accounts and can't delete them! It would help a lot for people that do retarded accounts.

  • Deleting tooter accounts is a must have
  • Being able to see who follows you may be useful

  • No escape from @LordTyla 's Wrath of torture!

+ Support (as long as Tyla gets blacklisted from Tooter and TV's!)
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