Server Suggestion Being able to drop items as bulk/stacks

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Description of the idea: Make it so you can drop items from your inventory as a stack or bulk, eliminating the dreadful right click spam to drop multiple items at once. This would only be possible if you have more than one of the same item. There should be a hotkey in combination of right click or automatically open a menu when you want to drop an item and have more than one at your disposal.

Why should this be added? (pros): Save time and actions, possibly even reducing server stress by not spawning physic objects for a whole 2 minutes.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Code fuckery e.g. if a person has 250/300 out of a maximum category and tries to pick up 75 items of the same category do we make it so that the player is unable to pick up the items or only take 50 of them to fill up his inventory? I don't know if this is hard to do so this might not even be a con.

I kind of like this idea, but again, imagine being able to drop and hide 500 weed from cops in an underpass cubicle or something.
How to not make it a con:
Disallow bulk dropping of narcotics or only allow a maximum of 50 narcotics with a cooldown (20 seconds?) before you're allowed to drop another pack.

*Other additions: Make it so you can drop mushrooms (very old suggestion I had but sprang back to mind).


The (Max: xxx) amount would change to the current amount of held items you can currently drop in your inventory.

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I kind of like this idea, but again, imagine being able to drop and hide 500 weed from cops in an underpass cubicle or something.
make it so you can drop like 50 max and add like a 10-5 sec cooldown
Added your reply as a possible con.

How to not make it a con:
Disallow bulk dropping of narcotics or only allow a maximum of 50 narcotics with a cooldown (20 seconds?) before you're allowed to drop another pack.
Still makes org storage useful, it's literally global. This is just to make quick transfers for when you can't be fucked with org storage permissions (or don't have it unlocked yet) or for mugging.
Org storage is not deleted... You can access org storage when,
A) Your org level is 5 or above
B) You already got items in org storage

I do really like this suggestion, this is something I thought about a few weeks ago, but did not have the time to look into it.

As I see it, we should allow players to stack some items, and to a certain amount. As we wouldn't want people as said above, to be able to drop 9999 items in a stack to hide them in a creepy bush. This could potentially be expanded also, so you can stack items when putting them for sell, so you dont have to restock after each purchase.

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