BelgLmfao Ban Request

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Actually I had no gun throughout the whole situation and I can provide a demo where you tresspassed the property without warrant, then you fail warrant to enter the house because you meta gamed the drugs through the wall wich I'll make a ban request and refund request for thank you very much.
Actually I had no gun throughout the whole situation and I can provide a demo where you tresspassed the property without warrant, then you fail warrant to enter the house because you meta gamed the drugs through the wall wich I'll make a ban request and refund request for thank you very much.
Okay, in that case you were the one ignoring the gun point and closing the doors! I'll update the ban request right now.
Also that is no reason to start discussing it in OOC, turning three people on me.
You should first of all really stop speeding as cop. Anyways, let's get back to the ban request.
Steve Cockerel was standing in front of you between you and Belglmfao so I don't really see how Belg broke 3.4. You should have handcuffed Steve as he was on a crime scene and dealt with it from there.

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